BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv5.20.6.1685544552//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200526T000000Z DTEND:20200527T000000Z DTSTAMP:20200801T000000Z CREATED:20200801 LAST-MODIFIED:20210407 SUMMARY:African Youth Resilience Initiatives against COVID19 and pandemics DESCRIPTION:Africa and the world are grappling with the worst public health emergency in recent memory. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 represents the latest in an unfortunately growing list of disasters confronting humanity. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for governments and the international community to focus more on health, environment, climate, land degradation and human security issues. African Civil Society and Youth have an important role to play.\nAfrican Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD) in partnership with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) has launched the project African Youth Resilience Initiatives against COVID19 and pandemics. As reminder, African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development is a pan-African Network based in Cameroon and operating across Africa.\nThe aim of the project African Youth Resilience Initiatives against COVID19 and pandemics is to build a common future for all life on Earth through the increased engagement and mobilisation of African youth leaders in the New Deal for Nature and People to tackle COVID19 and pandemics and address its impacts.\nSeveral activities will be carried out by the New Deal for Nature and People Coalition led by African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development. New Deal for Nature and people is made up of 200 + Civil Society Organizations from all sectors as civil society, media, local elected, business, indigenous people, refugees, IDPs, Faith Based Organizations and startups.\nThe project African African Youth Resilience Initiatives against COVID19 and pandemicskick off with a Regional Online Webinar that is part of a series of certified webinars on the New Deal for Nature and People.\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n WWF CAM\n \n \n\n\nRegistration Procedure to the Regional Online Webinar “African Youth Resilience Initiatives against COVID19 and pandemics”(This can be also a section in the blog).\n\n\nAfrican Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development and  Worldwide Fund for Naturecordially invite you to join a regional online webinar: Afri\ncan Youth Resilience Initiatives Against COVID19 and pandemicson May 26, 2020 as from 9.30 am CAT. This webinar is part of a Series of webinars organized as part o\nf the New Deal for Nature and People.\nOnline Regional Workshop focus:\nThe coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need for governments and the international community to focus more on health, environment, climate, land degradation and human security issues. African Civil Society and Youth have an important role to play.\nThis online regional workshop is part of a series of certified webinars on the New Deal for Nature and People. It will highlight efforts to fight against COVID 19 pandemic and its impacts, along with examples of implementation of coordinated approach of innovative political and economic solutions (at global, regional and national levels); nuclear weapons and fossil fuel divestment and investment on One Health, EcoHeath, green growth strategies and renewable energies. It willexamine how these can assist initiatives to cut nuclear weapons budgets and support public health, climate protection and sustainable development. African Civil Society and Youth in the frame of the Coalition New Deal for Nature and People will draft a roadmap of actions to carry out and strengthen for green recover in the frame of the projectAfrican Youth Resilience Initiatives Against COVID19 and pandemicsled by African Youth Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development.\nThe webinars will be in English and French.\nKindly, register here:\nThe regional online webinar include a quick survey participants must fill out before the beginning of the workshop\nA certificate will be delivered to participants that attend this online webinar workshop and the other workshops in the frame of the New Deal for Nature and People. A present sheet will circulate during this online workshop and during others webinar in this frame. Participants will be always informed on the date of the next session.\nFor more information contact\nWe invite all of you to join us and disseminate the regional webinar through your network.\nAccess the project report here:\n\n URL: ORGANIZER;CN=African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable CATEGORIES:Webinar LOCATION:Via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR