Achieving mitigation and adaptation to climate change through sustainable agroforestry practices in Africa


Agroforestry is one of the most conspicuous land use systems across landscapes and agroecological zones in Africa. With food shortages and increased threats of climate change, interest in agroforestry is gathering for its potential to address various on-farm adaptation needs, and fulfill many roles in AFOLU-related mitigation pathways. Agroforestry provides assets and income from carbon, wood energy, improved soil fertility and enhancement of local climate conditions; it provides ecosystem services and reduces human impacts on natural forests. Most of these benefits have direct benefits for local adaptation while contributing to global efforts to control atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. This paper presents recent findings on how agroforestry as a sustainable practice helps to achieve both mitigation and adaptation objectives while remaining relevant to the livelihoods of the poor smallholder farmers in Africa

Scoping agroforestry for climate change

Low income countries mostly rely on agriculture for rural livelihoods and development. Nevertheless, agricultural systems in developing countries are adversely affected by land pressure and climate change, both of which threaten food production. Reduced productivity due to land degradation exacerbates the food deficit, despite the relative success of intensive agricultural systems that are promoted in many regions of the world. The various environmental impacts of agricultural intensification and food production, with negative impacts on soil and biodiversity, result in adverse feedbacks on climate, food security and on-farm income at local scale [1]. In addition, attempts to implement a ‘green revolution’ model in Africa using subsidies and inputs such as fertilizers have been costly and unsustainable, as technology cannot fully replace the services that trees would normally provide [2]. The current debate on sustainable intensification of agriculture underlines the importance of diversification as a way to improve crop and land management by integrating trees in land use systems [2–4]. There are many ways to achieve sustainable agricultural goals through the combination of increased yields with ecosystem services, but there few options where agroecosystem diversity and farm productivity are enhanced simultaneously. Some forms of agroforestry require low external inputs (pro-poor), have a high recycling rate, and good integration of trees, crops and animals, making them good candidate for achieving both sustainable livelihood and climate changes objectives

In most parts of Africa, climate change mitigation focusses on reforestation and forest protection. But such efforts to reduce tropical deforestation (often under the umbrella of REDD+) [6] conflict with the need to expand agricultural production in Africa to feed the continent’s growing population [7]. Agroforestry could be a win-win solution to the seemingly difficult choice between reforestation and agricultural land use, because it increases the storage of carbon and may also enhance agricultural productivity [8,9]. Some studies suggest that smallholder farmers in developing countries may combat climate change by reverting to more natural productive systems, which provide improved ecological and social functions [10], while meeting adaptation needs and building resilient agro-ecological systems that actively sequester carbon [11–14]. Currently, there is a growing interest in investing in agroforestry systems for these multiple benefits [15 ,16], and also as a set of innovative practices that strengthen the system’s ability to cope with adverse impacts of a changing climate [17]. Although the feasibility and benefits of agroforestry-based mitigation to smallholder farmers are currently under debate, common ground is found when evidence emerges that high production levels and economic values of agroforestry products may generate financial capital beyond subsistence levels alone, thereby aiding capital accumulation and reinvestment at the farm level [18,19]. Although the capacity of agroforestry to both raise carbon stocks and produce livelihood benefits has been well demonstrated, the research community needs to better understand the emerging challenge of assessing benefits from other ecosystem services beyond the symbolic value of carbon sequestration. A defining factor of African agriculture is the dominance of smallholder farmers with a strong priority on food security. Under such conditions, climate mitigation measures will need to demonstrate support for improved food production as well as climate adaptation benefits [14,20,21]. This synthesis presents the state of the art on the role of agroforestry in addressing both climate mitigation and adaptation in primarily food-focused production systems of Africa.

Agricultural performance under agroforestry systems

The steady decrease in soil fertility due to many drivers is a serious constraint for sustainable agriculture in Africa [22– 27]. Topsoil erosion is the most detrimental form of soil degradation and is likely to be aggravated by long-term removal of surface litter and crop residues. The shortage of mineral fertilizers and poor performance of current agricultural policies have directed discussions on food security towards sustainable agroforestry practices [27–29].

Agroforestry has potential to improve soil fertility. This is mainly based on the increase of soil organic matter and biological nitrogen fixation by leguminous trees. Trees on farms also facilitate tighter nutrient cycling than monoculture systems, and enrich the soil with nutrients and organic matter [30], while improving soil structural properties. Hence, through water tapping and prevention of nutrient leaching [10,31], trees help recover nutrients, conserve soil moisture and improve soil organic matter [32]

The potential of agroforestry to reduce the yield gap varies depending on the biophysical and human context. There are a number of successful agroforestry technologies, such as trees that improve soil, fast-growing trees for fuel wood, indigenous fruit trees to provide added nutrition and income, and trees that can provide medicinal plant products [33]. In practice, there is a need to differentiate between simple agroforestry systems (such as alley cropping, intercropping and hedgerow systems) and complex agroforestry systems that function like natural forest ecosystems but are integrated into agricultural Management systems [34,35]. The interest of investigating agroforestry in a changing climate comes from the potential of agroforestry practices to produce assets for farmers, combined with opportunities for climate change mitigation and potential to promote sustainable production that enhances agroecosystem diversity and resilience.

Agroforestry as a potential mitigation strategy

Cultivated lands have the potential to contribute significantly to climate change mitigation by improved cropping practices and greater numbers of trees on farms. The global estimated potential of all greenhouse gas (GHG) sequestration in agriculture ranges from 1500 to 4300 Mt CO2e yr1, with about 70% from developing countries; 90% of this potential lies in soil carbon restoration and avoided net soil carbon emission [20]. Tree densities in farming landscapes range from low cover of about 5% in the Sahel to more than 45% in humid tropical zones where cocoa, coffee and palm oil agroforestry systems prevail [36]. The cited study indicates that in sub Saharan Africa, 15% of farms have tree cover of at least 30%. This points to a high potential in Africa for sequestering carbon and reducing other agriculture related GHG emissions — particularly in farm land that currently has low tree cover — while maintaining the basic production systems. Performance of mitigation options in agroforestry will depend on the relative influence of tree species selection and management, soil characteristics, topography, rainfall, agricultural practices, priorities for food security, economic development options, among others. In order to improve carbon sequestration, or to reduce carbon emissions, several options are available (Table 1), but all are related to development needs of local communities.

These agroforestry practices are based on a variety of management approaches and have potential positive implications for climate change mitigation [42]. It has been shown that agroforestry systems have 3–4 times more biomass than traditional treeless cropping systems [20,43], and in Africa they constitute the third largest carbon sink after primary forests and long term fallows [35]. In addition, Zomer et al. [36] show that the area suitable for agroforestry worldwide is much larger with substantially greater potential than existing systems. In Africa, Unruh et al. [8] reported that a total of 1550 million ha are suitable for some type of agroforestry. There are many methods to estimate carbon sequestration in agroforestry systems; some of them are based on in situ measurements, but the application of different assumptions introduces large inconsistencies into available data [9]. Reported C stocks and C sequestration vary widely across agroforestry systems in Africa. Integrated land use practices, such as agro-silvo-pastoral systems, combine high C stocks with high C sequestration potentials. Table 2 shows the potential of various agroforestry systems for climate change mitigation.

In addition, agroforestry systems can meaningfully reduce the pressure on natural forests for energy needs. Some authors assume that higher consumption of tree products would motivate farmers to adopt agroforestry [54], in particular where fuel wood is diminishing. Development of agroforestry for sustainable fuel wood can contribute to energy substitution and becomes an important carbon offset option

Agroforestry and ecosystem resilience

Agroforestry systems comprise a long list of land management practices, including crop diversification, long rotation systems for soil conservation, home gardens, boundary plantings, perennial crops, hedgerow intercropping, live fences, improved fallows or mixed strata agroforestry [14,34,35,40,42,55–57]. If well managed (success hinges essentially upon proper implementation), agroforestry can play a crucial role in improving resilience to uncertain climates through microclimate buffering and regulation of water flow [15].

Management options in agroforestry include tree pruning, and measures to reduce below-ground competition, particularly for water [58], such that trees tap into deep ground water rather than top soil moisture that annual crops rely on. Growing attention is paid to the impact of agroforestry on microclimate control, and other favorable ecosystem functions. Agroforestry helps to conserve and protect natural resources by, for example, mitigating non-point source pollution (e.g. dust), controlling soil erosion and creating wildlife habitat [33]. It facilitates flexible responses to rapid shifts in ecological conditions, while at the same time maintaining or restoring soil and water resources

Microclimatic improvement through agroforestry has a major impact on crop performance as trees can buffer climatic extremes that affect crop growth. In particular, the shading effects of agroforestry trees can buffer temperature and atmospheric saturation deficit — reducing exposure to supra-optimal temperatures, under which physiological and developmental processes and yield become increasingly vulnerable [10]. Scattered trees in agroforestry farms can enhance the understory growth by reducing incident solar radiation, air and soil temperature, while improving water status, gas exchange and water use efficiency [31]. These scientific claims are based on few examples and need to be substantiated more in future research

Agroforestry contributes to ecosystem functions in water recycling by increased rainfall utilization compared to annual cropping systems. Lott et al. [60] reported that about 25% of the water transpired by trees is used during the dry season, indicating that they are able to utilize offseason rainfall (comprising 15–20% of the total annual rainfall) and residual soil water after the cropping period, with the rest being lost by evaporation (40%) or deep  drainage (33–40%). This complementarity between trees and annual crops extends possibilities of soil moisture uptake, hence making soil resource utilization more efficient than in pure monoculture [30,58]. Trials have been conducted to demonstrate that reduction of vegetation cover amplifies the decline of rainfall through positive feedbacks between precipitation and vegetation via reduced evapotranspiration and increased albedo [61]. Additionally, analysis of the water cycle addresses the importance of managing tree cover as part of the direct influences trees have on local and regional patterns of rainfall [62,63 ]. This highlights the potential of agroforestry to alleviate drought in Africa.

Adaptation-mitigation in agroforestry

Mitigating climate change starts with Better Ocean Data (Mitigating Climate Change: It Starts With Better Ocean Data ). For years (and we mean many years), the ocean helped us mitigate the early effects of human emissions by absorbing greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and heat, from the atmosphere. As a result, more than 90 percent of the warming that happened on Earth between 1971 and 2010 occurred in the ocean ( A selfless act by Mother Nature, but it’s catching up to us.  Climate change, which describes long-term changes to temperature and typical weather, is accelerating at an alarming pace—and the impacts are hard to ignore.

Combining adaptation with mitigation has been recognized as a necessity in developing countries, particularly in the AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land use) sector. In reality, there is no dissociation between crop production and other ecosystem services from land use. Agroforestry in general may increase farm profitability through improvement and diversification of output per unit area of tree/crop/livestock, through protection against damaging effects of wind or water flow, and through new products added to the financial diversity and flexibility of the farming enterprise [33]. It can also substantially contribute to climate change mitigation [17,20,21].

The use of multipurpose trees and integrated approaches can enhance the profitability of agroforestry [15 ], for example, trees can be sources of fodder, which in turn is converted into valuable plant nutrients [14]. Trees on farms can provide wild edible fruits [39 ] and non-timber products that serve as alternative food during periods of deficit and primary sources of income for many rural communities [64]. Hence, a growing scientific challenge relates to the methods and tools to assess useful trees in various human-ecological contexts [15 ]. In most cases, benefits of agroforestry add up to a substantial improvement of the economic and resource sustainability of agriculture, while contributing to GHG sequestration. Agroforestry may nevertheless involve practices that raise GHG emissions, such as shifting cultivation, pasture maintenance by burning, nitrogen fertilization and animal production. In order to optimize agroforestry for adaptation and mitigation to climate change, there is a need for more integrated management to increase benefits and reduce negative impacts on climate

Conclusion and key messages

This paper shows how agroforestry systems readily bundle both mitigation and adaptation strategies and provide several pathways to securing food security for poor farmers, while contributing to climate change mitigation. Agroforestry should attract more attention in global agendas on mitigation because of its positive social and environmental impacts. However, adding trees to cropping systems and/or animal production requires learning of advanced cultivation methods and some support to ensure swift adoption [65]. The failure of extension services in poor African countries limits the possibility to scale up innovations in agroforestry for improved land use systems. Another structural limitation to bringing agroforestry adoption to scale can be seen in the limited investment in the sector compared to intensified farming systems, which has seen strong support during the post-colonial era, mostly for export cash crop (monocultures of groundnut, cocoa, cotton, among others).

At farm level, combining mitigation and adaptation in agroforestry to enhance the resilience of social and land use systems should be scrutinized in a context where the primary goal is to increase social and economic benefits through agriculture. Screening of priority activities needs

multifaceted analysis that responds first and foremost to basic local needs [65]. So if seen as a win-win approach under optimal land management practices, equal importance of mitigation efforts should be given to adaptation; and any mitigation strategies should demonstrate clear adaptation benefits. In the case of Africa, carbon sequestration should generally be considered a co-benefit of strategies to support sustainable livelihoods and adapt to climate change, rather than the other way around. Progress towards adapted and sustainable livelihoods may be measured by accumulation of assets, and mitigation measures should be mapped against these assets.

On the other hand, uncertainties related to future climates, land use and land cover, soil fertility in drier environments and pests and diseases pose challenges to the scaling up of agroforestry practices. The effects of climate change on agroforestry systems are not fully understood despite many efforts in modeling climate analogs and future climate impacts [66]. This raises questions on which trees and management options will be suitable in future climates and how to best minimize negative climate change impacts on farming systems [15]. There is, therefore, a need to better predict the range of climate variability to assess the short- and long-term impacts of changing temperature and rainfall on ecosystem suitability for current agroforestry practices [10]. Inversely, there is little knowledge on quantitative effects of trees on local and regional climate, and better documentation is needed on the interconnections related to water recycling and its association with evapotranspiration. Also, it is unclear how much deforestation can be limited by provision of ecosystem services such as wood energy from agroforestry landscapes.


Children and Armed Conflict Monthly Update – November 2020

Recommendations to the Security Council


Anti-balaka local defense militias, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), and the former Séléka coalition are each listed in the Secretary-General’s (SG) 2020 annual report S/2020/525 on children and armed conflict (CAAC) for recruitment and use, killing and maiming, and rape and other forms of sexual violence. Of these, the LRA is also listed for abduction, and the former Séléka coalition and associated groups are also listed for attacks on schools and hospitals. In November, MINUSCA’s mandate is up for renewal, pursuant to SCR 2499 (2019). According to the SG’s October report S/2020/994, COVID-19 has led to verification challenges and a decrease in partners available to support the reintegration of children released from armed groups. During the reporting period, 13 children (two girls, 11 boys) were separated from the Mouvement Patriotique pour la Centrafrique (MPC), 22 children (three girls, 19 boys) were verified as associated with the Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de la Centrafrique (FPRC), and nine children escaped the LRA. The UN also documented conflict-related sexual violence affecting 39 girls. From January to September 2020, OCHA recorded 304 incidents impacting humanitarian workers in CAR, an increase compared to 2019. The Security Council should:

  • Renew MINUSCA’s child protection mandate, maintain current capacity in the child protection unit to fully deliver on this mandate, and ensure child protection continues to be prioritized as a cross-cutting issue, including through the national disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration program, security sector reform, and activities to promote the protection of civilians and rule of law;
  • Call for all parties to conflict to engage with the UN to sign and implement action plans to end and prevent all six grave violations against children; urge the MPC, the FPRC, and l’Unité pour la paix en Centrafrique (UPC) to fully and swiftly implement their respective action plans to end and prevent grave violations and release all children still in their ranks;
  • Condemn all attacks on protected healthcare and humanitarian personnel, and demand all parties immediately cease such attacks, and allow safe and unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance to all children and other civilians in need;
  • Remind all parties that children — including those actually or allegedly associated with armed groups — should be treated primarily as victims, and urge the Government to promptly adopt a protocol for the handover of children associated with armed groups to civilian child protection actors;
  • Call on all parties to swiftly and fully implement the recommendations of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict elaborated in its fourth conclusions on the situation of children and armed conflict in CAR

COVID-19 pandemic – an African perspective


The recently emerged novel coronavirus, “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)”, caused a highly contagious disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The virus was first reported from Wuhan city in China in December, 2019, which in less than three months spread throughout the globe and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th of March, 2020. So far, the ongoing pandemic severely damaged the world’s most developed countries and is becoming a major threat for low- and middle-income countries. The poorest continent, Africa with the most vulnerable populations to infectious diseases, is predicted to be significantly affected by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, in this review we collected and summarized the currently available literature on the epidemiology, etiology, vulnerability, preparedness and economic impact of COVID-19 in Africa, which could be useful and provide necessary information on ongoing COVID-19 pandemics in the continent. We also briefly summarized the concomitance of the COVID-19 pandemic and global warming.


There are hundreds of viruses that belong to the coronavirus family. However, only six (229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV) have been reported to cause mild to severe respiratory tract infections in humans [1]. Among them are severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) reported in November 2002 and middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) reported in September 2012, which emerged in human population from animal reservoirs and caused severe respiratory illness with high mortality rates [2,3]. Once again, a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has emerged, and caused an infectious disease called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [4]. The virus was first identified and reported from Wuhan city of China in December, 2019 [5]. The SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious, spread globally in a short period of time, and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020 [6]. As of 18th April, 2020, 10:00am CEST; WHO reported more than 2.1 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 142,229 deaths in 213 countries, areas or territories [7]. The most-affected countries with more than 30,000 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 are the United States of America, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, Iran, Turkey, Belgium, the Russian Federation, Canada and Brazil [7]. However, the number of cases continues to rise throughout the globe and became a serious menace to public health.

COVID-19 is majorly affecting many countries all over the world, whereas Africa is the last continent to be hit by the pandemic. However, Africa is expected to be the most vulnerable continent where COVID-19 spreading will have a major impact [8]. The continent confirmed its first case of COVID-19 in Egypt on 14th of February, 2020, and from sub-Saharan Africa the first case was reported in Nigeria on 27th of February, in an Italian patient who flew to Nigeria from Italy on 25th of February, 2020 [9,10].

As of 18th April 2020, 10:00 am CEST; Africa CDC reported, 19,895 confirmed cases, including 1,017 deaths and 4,642 recoveries, from 52 African countries, while two countries (Comoros and Lesotho) were still virus-free [11]. Interestingly, most of the identified cases of COVID-19 in Africa have been imported from Europe and the United States, rather than from the original COVID-19 epicentre China [12].

The continent’s weak health care system and a large immunocompromised population owing to high prevalence of malnutrition, anemia, malaria, HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis and poor economic discipline, make it distinct from the other continents that have experienced COVID-19 to date [13]. Experts also anticipated that under these circumstances the pandemic in Africa could be challenging to control, and the consequences could be dismal [13]. On the other hand, there is no drug/vaccine currently available to treat COVID-19; therefore, implementation of precautionary measures to contain the spread of this virus is being practiced throughout the globe; which includes social distancing, isolation and quarantine, community containment, national lockdowns, and travel restrictions. So far, these measures are helping to control and reduced the spread of COVID-19; but subsequently hit the global economy and thereby pushing the nations towards recession [14,15]. African economies were already struggling when COVID-19 hit the continent; which could further amplify the economic crisis. A unique COVID-19 response needs to be developed for Africa, where all these issues which make the continent more vulnerable and different to the rest of the world, will be taken into consideration.

Aim of this review

Although there are numerous excellent research publications addressing this new menace, however this review aims to provide a comprehensive update of ongoing COVID-19 pandemics in Africa and highlighted the main topics which include; etiology, epidemiology, vulnerability, preparedness and economic impact of COVID-19 in African continent. It is therefore hoped that this work could be useful in addressing the continent’s challenges related to the outbreak and will become the benchmark reference for future studies.

Study selection

We searched and reviewed published work on COVID-19 from 1st January, 2020 to 18th of April, 2020. PubMed, ScienceDirect and Scopus were searched for research articles written on COVID-19 in English using the search words SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and coronavirus. The search was done in duplicate by two different individuals for the reproducibility with exclusion criteria for non-English articles and non-COVID-19 papers. After deduplication and exclusion, 54 out of 71 published articles as on 18/04/2020 were included. Reports and updates from the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Health Organization African Region, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and from other authentic sources were added. The results were grouped and systematically presented in this review.

Etiology of COVID-19

The uncertainty about the SARS-CoV-2 origin is still an important aspect of this pandemic, and needs much attention to stop like ones in future. Initially there were reports that suggested the virus may have originated from bats, which are already known as a natural reservoir for various CoVs, including SARS-CoV-like and MERS-CoV-like viruses [16–20]. Upon phylogenetic analysis it has now been shown that there is a 96.2% sequence identity of SARS-CoV-2 with a coronavirus isolated from a bat (BetaCoV/RaTG13/2013) [21]. Furthermore, the genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 also shares >80% and 50% sequence identity to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV respectively [22,23]. Thus, these findings indicate that the COVID-19 belongs to genus β-CoVs that infects humans, bats and other wild animals [24]. Other reports also suggested the possibility of virus transmission from bats to humans through unknown intermediate hosts [25]. Forster and colleagues recently analysed 160 complete human SARS-Cov-2 genomes by using a phylogenetic network analysis, and came up with some interesting findings [26]. The results revealed three distinct “variants” of COVID-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which they label “A”, “B” and “C”. They found that type “A” is closest to the one discovered in bats and is the ancestor to all other variants. Most cases of the COVID-19 in the United States and Australia were type “A”. Type “B”, only separated by two mutations from the ancestor “A”, was prevalent in China and other East Asian countries. Type “C”, predominantly found in patients in European countries, showed very little linkage with Type “B” [26]. So far, the genomic data is not sufficient and clear to prove the true origin and transmission source of SARS-CoV-2. Studies even seem to contradict previous hypotheses, which considered Wuhan, the city in China, as the origin of COVID-19. However, more sequencing is needed, using samples from other wild animals such as turtles, pangolins and snakes, which may play a possible role as intermediate hosts to solve this puzzle and confirm the origin of SARS-CoV-2. Compared to the global 7,700 genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2, the African continent has just pooled 90 genome sequences for this virus [27]. Additionally these sequences are coming from only 5 out of 51 infected countries, leaving a data dark spot in the continent [27]. Considering the mutations of the virus and the importance of this data for vaccine developments, African countries need to contribute more to the global genomic data pool; otherwise Africans will be facing the same problem as with the Rotavirus vaccine. The vaccine was developed based on rotavirus strains predominantly found in Europe and North America for use against rotavirus infections. However, the vaccine exhibited efficacy variation, seems more effective in Europe and North America but less effective in Africa and is believed due to the circulation of different strain in the continent [27].

Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Africa

Starting from Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China (Original epicenter of COVID-19) and spreading around the globe in less than 3 months, the COVID-19 pandemic is considered the one among the biggest pandemics to humans [5,28]. As the pandemic is still ongoing, the number of countries involved, confirmed cases and mortality rates are changing every day. As the virus enters different countries at different time points, these countries are at different stages of the outbreak. With this complicity, true epidemiology is only possible at the end of this pandemic. As of 18th April, 2020, the novel SARS-CoV-2 has emerged in all seven continents and affects 213 countries and territories with 2,121,675 confirmed cases, and a mortality rate of 6.7% [7]. To date, the top three most-affected countries with COVID-19 include the United States of America (confirmed cases at 665,330 and 4.6% mortality), Spain (confirmed cases 182,816 and 10.5% mortality), and Italy (confirmed cases 168,941 and 13.1% mortality)[7].

With the currently available data, we attempted to monitor and track the epidemics of SARS-CoV-2 in the African continent. The African continent is the last one and least to be affected by COVID-19 pandemic to date [29]. As of 18th April, 2020, Africa reported 19,895 confirmed cases from 52 countries with a mortality rate of 5.1% [11]. First seen in Egypt on 14th of February 2020, the virus has now been detected in almost all the countries of Africa except Lesotho and Comoros [11]. Chronologically, Egypt was followed by Algeria, with its first case reported on 25th February, followed by Nigeria on 27th of February [30]. Apart from these three countries, the first cases in other African countries were only detected in March (Table 1) [11]. The most-affected countries so far are South Africa (confirmed cases = 2783, mortality = 1.8%), Egypt (confirmed cases=2844, mortality = 7.2%), Morocco (confirmed cases = 2564, mortality = 5.3%), Algeria (confirmed cases = 2418, mortality = 15.0%) and Cameroon (confirmed cases = 1016, mortality = 2.1%) [11]. However, due to inadequate testing capacity for COVID-19 the true number of cases may remain undetected, which makes it challenging to predict or conclude the true epidemiology of COVID-19 in the continent. Certainly, several major factors, such as late arrival of the pandemic, weak diagnostics including inadequate COVID-19 testing, lack of essential medical supplies and a large susceptible population will significantly affect and change the epidemiology of COVID-19 in the continent [13,31]. The epidemiological data of COVID-19 from the African continent are summarized in Table 1, which include: number of affected countries with confirmed cases, deaths and recovery cases [11].

Vulnerability and preparedness for COVID-19 in Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic is a wake-up call for Africa: the high burden of infectious diseases, weak health systems, poverty and the arrival of the winter “flu” season in Southern Africa, are some major factors which particularly make the continent one of the most vulnerable to this current pandemic. According to the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI) 2016, out of 25 countries most vulnerable to infectious diseases, 22 are in the African region [9]. The WHO Africa estimated that there are 26 million people infected with HIV, 2.5 million with tuberculosis, 71 million with hepatitis B or C and 213 million with malaria in the African region [32–35]. Moreover, the double burden of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes are also immensely significant in Africa, and all these conditions compromise the body’s immunity [36,37]. Therefore, it could be reasonably hypothesized that the majority of the African population, due to their immunocompromised conditions, will be at high risk for COVID-19.

A country’s healthcare capacity plays a vital role in COVID-19 management and control [38]. In comparison to the developed nations such as USA, the UK and China, which have advanced health care systems but are still struggling to cope with the current pandemic, the majority of African countries have a weaker healthcare sector [38–40]. The limited testing capacity, shortage of trained staff required for diagnostics and intensive care units (ICU), inadequate ventilators and ICU facilities (needed in severe cases of COVID-19), lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers and scarcity of funds for the health sector, are some of the continent’s core healthcare related issues, which make it more susceptible to the COVID-19 pandemic [38–41]. The other misfortune for Southern Africa is the arrival of winter, as all respiratory viruses spread more effectively in the winter; thus it is anticipated that the intensity of COVID-19 will increase in the coming winter months between May and September 2020 [42–44]. On the other hand, this shift in the seasons may become fortunate for northern hemisphere countries, where summer is coming and will likely decrease the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 [42].

As we are witnessing how the ongoing pandemic is hampering the world’s most developed countries which have advanced healthcare, a low disease burden and established economies; it will be interesting to see the impact of COVID-19 on low- and middle-income countries. Unfortunately most of the African countries fall into this category, therefore it may be challenging for them to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts have already predicted that the growth of the African continent will be significantly impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak [45–47]. However, the magnitude of the impact will depend on the management and control of COVID-19 within the respective countries. Recently, a modelling study based on the State Party Self-Assessment Annual Reporting (SPAR), Index and Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI), measured the preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against COVID-19 importations from China [48]. Both indicators (SPAR and IDVI) ranged from 0 to 100, measure increasing capacity and decreasing vulnerability. The study reported that Egypt, Algeria and South Africa had the highest importation risk from China, with the SPAR scores of 87, 76, and 62 respectively, and have moderate to high capacity to respond to outbreaks, with IDVI scores of 53, 49, and 69 respectively [48]. Countries such as Nigeria and Ethiopia have moderate importation risk, with SPAR scores of 51 and 67 respectively, but high vulnerability with IDVI scores of 27 and 38 respectively. Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana, and Kenya also have similar moderate importation risk with variable levels of capacity (ranging from 34 to 75), and an overall low IDVI (<46), reflecting high vulnerability [48]. On a positive note, the demography of the African continent seems to be an advantage when compared to other COVID-19 affected regions. The median age in Africa is less than 20, that makes the continent the youngest in the world [38]. Only 4% of Africa’s population is older than 65, which are low as compared to 37% in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia and 29% in Europe and Northern America [49]. Current data suggests that COVID-19 affects older people severely, with higher mortality than the younger population, which showed only milder symptoms [38]. In addition, Africa is the last continent to be hit by COVID-19, and therefore gets some extra time with additional information for preparations to face the pandemic. Africa also had lessons to be learnt from other countries and from the previous outbreaks, to act urgently on specific weaknesses and implement strict measures of detection, prevention, and control to enhance preparedness for COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, several strategic measures, which include complete lockdowns, travel bans, closing of schools, companies, and offices, ban on large gatherings (including religious, sports, social and other events), systematic quarantines, increased testing capacity and strict infection control measures, are being implemented throughout the African continent to control the spread of COVID-19 [50]. Furthermore, on 5th February 2020, the African task force for coronavirus (AFCOR) was established by Africa CDC in collaboration with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the WHO, to step up the preparedness measures for COVID-19 closure [51]. The AFCOR aims to focus on six work streams: laboratory diagnosis and subtyping, surveillance including screening at points of entry and cross-border activities, infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities, clinical management of people with severe COVID-19, risk communication, supply-chain management and stockpiles. The measure breakthrough for preparedness is in terms of laboratories testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the African continent. On 6th of March 2020, Africa CDC reported that 43 African countries are now able to test for COVID-19, while as at February 2020, only two countries (Senegal and South Africa) were capable of diagnosing the virus [38]. The big support from the World Bank will also assist developing countries for COVID-19 preparedness and response. In Africa, immediate support of $82 million for Ethiopia and $47 million for the Democratic Republic of Congo have been approved [52]. These figures for other African countries are yet to be confirmed; however, there are big supports from several agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), philanthropists, funding agencies and banks to all the African nations, in order for them to be prepared for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemics. Nevertheless, it would not be ideal to suggest that this support will be enough to prepare these countries for this pandemic.

As discussed above, owing to several reasons, Africa is found to be at high risk for COVID-19 pandemic, with relatively low capacity to manage the health emergency. Therefore, urgent attention, support and action are required to fight and control the further spread of the ongoing pandemic.

Economic impact of COVID-19 in Africa

The initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic was all about clinical and epidemiological aspects however, the shift is now changing towards the global economy. The focus of effect of COVID-19 pandemics needs to shift to the developing nations, and particularly to African countries which rely mostly on developed countries. Economists had estimated Africa’s growth in 2020 at 3.9%, which can now drop to 0.4% (in the best case) to −3.9% (in the severely hit case) [45,46]. Experts also believe that growth in Sub-Saharan Africa may fall to between −2 and −5% in comparison to 2.4% in 2019, with a risk of the first recession in the last 25 years [47]. The major factors which may affect the African economy related to COVID-19 are:

  1. Reduction of importation of Chinese goods to the level that it inflates the African markets. This will have a further impact on the small scale traders of developing markets, and will increase the prices of local commodities.
  2. Decreasing oil consumption due to travel bans, border closures, social distancing and lock downs lowering down the demand for oil. The budget of some of the African oil-producing countries such as Nigeria, Angola, Algeria, Ghana and others, is dependent upon crude oil pricing, which has been badly hit by this pandemic, thereby impacting the GDP of these countries [41,53]. This could however have a positive impact on oil-importing countries.
  3. African mining industry: The mining sector is China’s top most interest for investing in Africa than any other big economy. Travel restrictions, shutdowns and port closures have resulted in decreasing demand for steel, iron ore, lithium, and cobalt [41]. Alone in South Africa, the mining industry employs around 420,000 people and thousands of them are working underground which suggests that the mining work environment is more exposed to pandemic and can become a catalyst for spreading the COVID-19 [54]. As such, the African mining sector faces an unavoidable hit from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, even though there is still much uncertainty as to how much and for how long the sector will be impacted.
  4. Reduction of tourism: The major economic sector of many African countries such as South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania is tourism, which is negatively affected due to COVID-19, thereby affecting the economies of these countries [41,53].
  5. Withdrawal of investors: Developing markets already taste the bitterness where investors have already fled, with the largest capital flow ever recorded [53]. Foreign direct investments have already been declined due to delays or cancellation of several revenue boosting projects. Also, the flow of aid and other assistance projects have been stopped, as the donor countries are themselves struggling with the same pandemic situation.
  6. The shift of budgets from other sectors to the health sector is a timely need, and this will cause a further decline in the economic growth of these countries.
  7. The lower revenue will in turn reduce the tax rates; which will badly impact on the fiscal revenues of poor countries in Africa [53].

All these factors will put governments under extreme pressure in preparing for the post-crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts are calculating around 20 million job losses, which will further increase the unemployment rates of African countries [53]. Increase in unemployment could possibly lead to social unrest and increasing crime rates in the countries with a history of sectarian violence.

Concomitance of COVID-19 pandemic and global warming

Although there is no scientific evidence so far to show any direct link between global warming and the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists are giving opinions that these two run parallel to each other. Being a zoonotic virus (bat species suspected to be SARS-CoV-2 virus reservoir), there are several reasons to connect the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change. Global warming along with other associated factors such as habitat destruction, human encroachment, modernization of farming, etc., have been reported to drive the emergence of zoonotic diseases [55]. In a study by Naicker, a link between the climate changes with the zoonotic diseases outbreaks such as West Nile fever, Chikungunya fever and Lyme disease has been well described [56]. Climate changes have been reported to impact pathogens selection and resistance, hosts ecology and immunity, as well as vectors ecological niches and capacity; with more potential influence on vector-borne and zoonotic diseases [57]. In addition, glaciers which are hidden sources of numerous pathogens especially viruses, are melting due to globally increasing temperatures and the resident pathogens are therefore getting a wakeup call [58]. Melting glaciers are liberating these pathogens, including those which are new to science [59]. Climate change is also associated with deforestation and encroachment into animal habitats, which forced several wild species to migrate and thereby putting these species in close contact with humans and other animals [60]. Unplanned migrations also increases the stress levels in these species, leading to immunocompromised conditions, which subsequently increase the tendency of increased risk of infections and increased viral replication [61]. Despite all these reasons, there is no concrete evidence to prove the claims of linking the two to each other. However as COVID-19 is still unfolding, the underlying links between global warming and the spread of this virus may be unveiled.

As of the current date, China is the world’s largest CO2 emitter followed by the United States the European Union, the Indian sub-continent and the Russian Federation [62,63]. On the other hand, the African continent is the lowest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, with very low per capita CO2 emissions compared with other continents [62]. According to the World Resources Institute, Africa has been responsible for less than 0.01% of all emissions [62]. Despite being the lowest contributor, the African continent is the worst sufferer of any climate change related adversity, ranging from economic growth and sustainable development to infectious diseases [64]. However, in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic the trend is different; where African continent is the least affected so far. It is far too early to reach a conclusion, as experts are warning that the rise of infection peak in Africa is yet to materialize. The origination and spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the biggest CO2 emitting countries is higher than in African countries [7,29]; which could be mere coincidence. Within the African continent, a similar trend was observed with South Africa being the major contributor in total greenhouse gas emissions and higher number of confirmed COVID-19 cases [7,62]. All the figures, support being optimistic at this stage about developing some models which can identify the links between climate change and current and future pandemics. It is also believed that this pandemic will offer an opportunity to understand the further consequences of climate change and related pandemics.


As of now, COVID-19 continues to spread globally, with increasing morbidity and mortality, with some control in the African continent compared to the other parts of the world. The swift actions against this pandemics imposed by the governments have been effective so far. However, as the majority African population is living from hand to mouth, these measures cannot sustain for long. Some countries including South Africa and Ghana have already started lifting or relaxing these restrictions due to the high impact on their economies. Therefore besides these restrictions other mitigation strategies, to improve economies and to provide basic benefits to public, need to be implemented by the governments. Based on past experiences, there is a scope of suppressing transmission of COVID-19, provided governments and the public will change their behaviour towards this virus as they did previously for Ebola, HIV, Polio and other outbreaks. However, it comes as no surprise that Africans can’t confront this alone, and therefore global support in any form can assist Africa to step ahead of this pandemic.


Shabir Ahmad Lone Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, School of Pathology, Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

Consultancy Title: Immunization Supply Chain Management Expert ( 3 months)

Job no: 541440
Contract type: Consultancy
Level: Consultancy
Location: Jordan
Categories: Health, Expanded Programme Immunization, Consultancy

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, care


Providing every child in Jordan with safe and effective vaccines is fundamental in controlling immunisation-preventable diseases. The increased requirements for ensuring the quality and safety of vaccines in the supply chains are determined both by the high demands and concerns of society and the challenges associated with introducing new antigens, new compositions of vaccines and easy-to-use forms of vaccines packaging.


The objective of the consultant support is to conduct a cold chain equipment inventory assessment with geospatial analysis to understand, at a minimum, the cold chain capacity, quantity, and functional status of cold chain equipment at all levels throughout all 12 governorates of Jordan. This analysis will help inform the Government’s plan in understanding current and future immunization supply chain needs. It will also allow UNICEF Country Office to understand gaps and needs in this aspect of the cold chain for possible future involvement in plans for expansion of the cold chain.

The collection of information and data will ensure that all factors related to cold chain equipment be considered. The final report of the cold chain equipment inventory will provide a dashboard and a description of the current cold chain equipment status upon which informed evidence-based decision making may occur.

A minimum of information to be collected is specified below:

➢ Equipment type

➢ Equipment working status

➢ Location of equipment (geospatial data)

➢ Age of equipment

➢ Installation status

➢ Year of installation

➢ Power source

➢Working status

➢ Generator availability

➢ Condition of the facility the equipment is located

➢ The number of personnel at the facility the equipment is located

➢ Distance to hub

➢ Immunization services at the facility

➢ Facility ownership

Environmental Law Remote Internships

Eligibility requirement: At least one year of relevant college/university study in biology, environmental sciences, sustainability, or a related field. High School Students aged 16+ may be accepted, depending on the strength of their application.

Language requirements: This internship is conducted in English.

Associated career paths: Attorney, Barrister, Barrister’s Clerk, Chartered Legal Executive, Legal Secretary, Paralegal, Solicitor, Licensed Conveyancer, Civil Service Administrator, Data & Research Analyst

Internship details

Join a highly respected NGO on a virtual environmental law internship in Greece. Get real environmental law experience and help develop conservation strategies by participating remotely from home.

This is a remote internship you can conduct from home. Click here to view the in-country version of this internship if you would prefer to intern abroad.

Remote internships in environmental law out of Greece are perfect for those with a passion for environmental conservation. Environmental law internships are based with an Institute of Marine Conservation, a highly respected non-profit NGO with bases around Greece.

Remote interns have the opportunity to work on priority projects related to key environmental protection issues, gaining exposure to real-world application of environmental law. Projects are varied and assigned according to interns’ experience and interest, and can include the following areas:

  • EU fisheries legislation and Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fisheries
  • Promoting the enforcement of existing EU and international legislation for the protection of protected habitats (i.e. seagrass meadows and coralligenous reefs)
  • Illegal trading of endangered plants and animals
  • Environmental crimes, pollution incidents and the destruction of natural habitats and wildlife
  • Shipping, ship traffic and maritime accidents
  • Uncontrolled use of live ammunition by the armed forces posing threats to public health and wildlife
  • Development of management schemes for fisheries protected areas

Virtual environmental law interns can expect to assist NGOs with writing reports, preparing legal documents and writing website content to raise public awareness. This material will be used to combat environmental crimes or develop management and conservation strategies to protect the environment.

This internship is conducted in English.

Environmental law interns learn from a qualified and experienced supervisor, and can be involved in:
  • Writing reports
  • Preparing legal documents
  • Writing website content to raise public awareness
  • Combating environmental crimes
  • Developing conservation strategies
Professional development opportunities:
  • Contribute to environmental law development and application in leading NGOs
  • Experience legal report writing and campaigning
  • Legal research and analysis
  • Gain practical skills and boost your employability, with guidance from Intern Abroad HQ’s Experiential Learning Curriculum to support your learning and cultural intelligence.


The 2030 agenda on sustainable development is the new pact on the world’s future. Its implementation is one of the most important current, ongoing tasks. According to the pact of the world’s future, development policy is all about creating new prospects for the future and that future is digital. We will only succeed in attaining the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030 if we manage to enable all people everywhere to exploit the possibility opened up by digitalization. Although ICT are mentioned in just four of the 17 SDGs (quality Education, Gender and Equity; Industry; Innovation and Infrastructure; Partnerships for the Goals), long term digital solutions to achieve the ambitious objectives set in all dimensions of sustainable development (socially, environmentally) and also ensuring that everyone derives economic benefits from them.

Yet so far, digital dividends have conspicuously failed to match expectations. Despite the positive development, more than half the world populations still have no access to the internet. Many people do not even know how to use it. On top of this, in many countries, new technologies are deliberately being used against people, as borne out by illegally collected data, state sponsored oppression and restricted freedom of expression.

In Africa, the level of digital maturity is different from one African country to another.  The African Digital Maturity report showcases the assessment of the digital maturity of several African countries, highlighting valuable insights on the state of digitalization in the continent. Countries were classified as emerging, developing, established and advanced in their level of digitalization, and the analysis revealed several important facts. The first being, that Africa is a diverse continent, hosting countries with different markets and disparate economies. Each country has specific patterns and levels of digital readiness or literacy. The report also highlights that disruption can be a means of development for Africa.

Overall, ICTs influence all the 17 goals and play key role in enabling their attainment. This becomes particularly clear in the context of the so called technology facilitation mechanism which focuses on making systematic use of science, technology, innovation to achieve the 17 goals. ICT are also important instruments for linking public sector, private sector and civil society actors which is a key focus of the pact of the world’s future. In this end, we need transparent institutions and processes which will also help us meet the inclusivity requirements set out in the 2030 agenda. Last, but not least, we also need the deployment of ICT as way to closing current information gaps. Digital creates new sources of data and analytic methods, allowing the improved measurements of impacts and also of progress in our implementation of the 2030 agenda.

Digital applications creates opportunities for bringing education to rural areas or reforming the health system, enable active participation and facilitate inclusion also for minorities. ICTs are vital for providing access to information and innovation, knowledge and education, social participation and a wide array of services. We must not lose the challenges of digitalization if we are to succeed in building ONE DITITAL WORLD together. It is in this line that Innovation Technology Solutions Program (‘NOVA’-TechS) has been designed by the African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD)

Program Objectives

Objective 1: Harnessing digital innovation for greater effectiveness

  • Providing ICT infrastructure
  • Enabling access to education, training and vocational education and training
  • Creating public administration capable of meeting future challenges, combatting corruption
  • Improving Health care provisions and containing pandemics
  • Promoting rural development
  • Lowering energy consumption and improving climate protection
  • Paying by mobile technology, regulating financial systems and shoring off consumers’ rights

Objective 2: Reinforcing peacebuilding and democratic processes

  • Promoting transparency and peace
  • Forging closer relations with citizens

Objective 3: Helping minorities and forcibly Displaced persons 

  • Harnessing the opportunities offered by migrations
  • Not leaving behind any lost generation
  • Facilitating the returns homes

Objective 4: Creating future proof-jobs

  • Shaping the digital transformation dynamically and fairly
  • Promoting local innovation and getting it on track

Objective 5: Safeguarding human rights and ensuring participation

  • Take a stand on internet related policy of the digital transformation
  • Promoting data protection, safeguarding neutrality and using an open source approach

Program’s Strategies

Through ‘NOVA’ TechS ANYL4PSD adhere to the following:

  • We focus on addressing countries and community’s needs;
  • We find a right combination on digital and analogue measures;
  • We foster innovation and cooperation. We seek and develop partnership with civil society;
  • the worlds of business and sciences, the media, religious organizations and associations;
  • We promote free access to information and publish the results of our work, reports and evaluations;
  • We apply high standards namely the International Principles for Digital Development guidelines on human rights.

Sustainable Development Goals Report (SDGs _Report)

[vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]Sustainable Development Goals Report (SDGs _Report): a tool for mobilization and social dialogue for Sustainable Development Goals, backed by the SMS service. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text 0=””]


A study realized in 2017 in Cameroon with 2000 persons interviewed in both urban, rural areas (from government, civil society, universities, private sector, and grassroots) revealed that despite the conclusion in 2015 of the 2030 agenda (that provides a clear roadmap for States and the United Nations to lift billions out of poverty, halt climate change and ensure a decent life for all on a sustainable planet) there is a very weak social mobilization of citizens for their achievement and quasi absence of reports. Among the causes of the poor social mobilization around SDGs achievement the study noted:

• Weak outreach and educational approach on the global goals that involves several sectors of the national life including rural sector, minority and vulnerable groups. a lot of people (including youth, women, and minority) know neither the signification of sustainable development goals, nor their content, nor their stakes, nor the role they can play for their achievement. The ignorance is higher in grassroots, rural, minority communities and non-intellectual people

• Insufficient frames of dialogue/ concertation among Government, civil society, private sector, including communities leaders, young people, women and vulnerable groups;

• Weak inclusive monitoring of SDGs: Statistical operations need new methodologies; stakeholders not enough equipped on reporting and monitoring.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column css_animation=”rollIn” width=”1/2″ css=”.vc_custom_1535748236454{background-color: #95f900 !important;}”][vc_column_text 0=””]


The general objective of the SDG-Report is to create a platform for exchange between decision-makers and the populations through the mobile telephony infrastructure in general and especially SMS technology. This, in order to promote greater social mobilization around development Sustainable Development goals. This initiative is therefore deployed

  • First, to encourage adolescents and young people to express themselves and to find solutions to the problems that concern them and to prepare them to become citizens committed to the development of their country, to provide useful information to adolescents and young people so that they can they share them with their communities, involve adolescents and young people in promoting the use of social services.
  • Then, it is also a question of amplifying the voice of adolescents and young people to foster dialogue with decision-makers and civil society and finally provide information and data on youth issues to feed programming sensitive to their needs.

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The SDG-Report is open to anyone over the age of 12, registered on the platform and sharing their observations and reflections on the platform around the many development issues that circulate there. This is the goal of the project by building an international community of committed youth called SDGs-Reporters. Thanks to their commitment, the SDGs-Reporters are players for positive change. The right to participation of children and young people is an essential right, because today’s children are the citizens of tomorrow. It is therefore important to consult young people and involve them in decision-making.


In addition to its dialogic scope that offers stakeholders the opportunity to interact with decision makers to solve the problems, they face daily.  SDGs _Report includes a monitoring/evaluation dimension of interventions. In short, SDG-Report gives people the means to contribute to development by giving their point of view through surveys or thematic consultations, but also by “evaluating” the actions taken in their favor. And in fact, it is also a platform for sharing information on priority topics and themes of national development. This tool is conceived as a response to a need to increase the participation of the populations globally and specifically young people in the life of society. It also takes into account the concern for equity in the interventions directed at the populations.

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In order to strengthen individual and multi-stakeholders participation and involvement (including youth, women, indigenous and vulnerable people) in the SDGs my organization and I have set up “Mobilizing People for Sustainable Development Goals” (Mob’4SDG) which aims at connecting, engaging and mobilizing people to sustainable development goals basically through to Information, Communication and Technology (ICT). (Mob’4SDGs) is a set articulated in three components: The Show called “Objective 0 on sustainable development”, the “Panafrican Online University on sustainable development (PaOU_SD); Sustainable Development Goals _Reporters (SDGs_Report) and the Sustainable Development Goals Caravan

Objective 0 on sustainable development

Objective 0 is a bimonthly television and radio show (with weekly rebroadcasting) which aims at..

•  improving people’s understanding on SDGs and their individual and collective role in the implementation of 203à agenda;

• Stimulates in citizens the sense of volunteerism and commitment towards DSGs

• raising public awareness on the importance of civic and voluntary commitment to SDGs;

• providing a platform of exchange, sharing, analysis, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation of public policies related to the implementation of agenda 2030;

•  promoting local initiatives that contribute to achieving SDGs.

•  highlighting bad and best practices towards SDGs.

•  improving people’s understanding on SDGs and their individual and collective role in the implementation of 2030 agenda;

The Panafrican online University on sustainable development (PaOU_SD)

The Panafrican online University on sustainable development is an educative platform conceived to create, coordinate, share, disseminate and promote educational resources, digital and audiovisual training, objects, content and form which are labeled scientifically, pedagogically and technically for the benefit of young and vulnerable people. It aims to:
•promote access to educational resources to make a significant contribution to the transfer of research results and training in the field of desertification, land degradation, drought and sustainable development in Africa.
•promote access to the greatest number of young people and women of resources produced in institutions;
•contribute to the development of new educational resources exploitable.

Sustainable Development Goals Report (SDGs _Report)

The SDGs-Report is a concept but more a tool for mobilization and social dialogue backed by the SMS service. In addition to its dialogic scope that offers stakeholders the opportunity to interact with decision makers to solve the problems they face daily. It includes a monitoring / evaluation dimension of interventions. In short, SDG-Report gives people the means to contribute to development by giving their point of view through surveys or thematic consultations, but also by “evaluating” the actions taken in their favor. And in fact, it is also a platform for sharing information on priority topics and themes of national development. This tool is conceived as a response to a need to increase the participation of the populations globally and specifically young people in the life of society. It also takes into account the concern for equity in the interventions directed at the populations.

The general objective of the SDG-Report Initiative is to create a platform for exchange between decision-makers and the populations through the mobile telephony infrastructure in general and especially SMS technology. This, in order to promote greater social mobilization around development Sustainable Development goals. This initiative is deployed

• First, to encourage adolescents and young people to express themselves and to find solutions to the problems that concern them and to prepare them to become citizens committed to the development of their country, to provide useful information to adolescents and young people so that they can they share them with their communities, involve adolescents and young people in promoting the use of social services.

• Then, it is also a question of amplifying the voice of adolescents and young people to foster dialogue with decision-makers and civil society and finally provide information and data on youth issues to feed programming sensitive to their needs.

Sustainable Development Goals Caravan “SDGs_Caravan”

The sustainable Development Goals Caravan is a three years renewable mobilizing caravan for change which aims to

• Increase country engagement towards sustainable development goals thanks to the..

• strengthened understanding of vulnerable people (young, women, refugees…), civil society, private sector, media and Government on issues related to sustainable development goals increased number of peer educators on sustainable development goals, increased number of person sensitized yearly on the challenges of sustainable development agenda;

• Joint evaluations of the achievement of sustainable development goals by vulnerable people (young, women, refugees…), civil society, private sector, media and Government;

• Valorize /encourage the potential and the contribution of young people and communities in the elaboration and the implementation of innovating solution to foster sustainable development agenda. Increase technological transfer in favor of vulnerable people, especially young, women and indigenous people

• Increase innovations in all social sectors in favor of sustainable development agenda.

• Award vulnerable people for their innovative solution towards sustainable development goals.

• Improve policies and the living conditions of affected populations’ especially vulnerable/minority people (women, youth, children, and indigenous people) thanks to improved countries policies and the diversification of people livelihoods especially vulnerable/minority people (women, youth, children, and indigenous).

• Create a Sustainable Development Center for as a monitoring and evaluation mechanism, which welcomes, listens, advises, guides, shapes and disseminates good practices throughout the world, as well as carries out studies, analyzes and produces statistics on the results of projects created and implemented by young people within the framework of the SDGs

Mob’4SDGs Impact

Mob’4SDGs impact can be measured in educational, social, political and environmental levels.

On educational, social and environmental levels, through its approaches Mob’4SDGs offers platforms of learning and understanding the critical issues related to the implementation of SDGs and ways to build strong coalitions for SDGs. It contributes to improving local governance by placing youth, women, vulnerable, indigenous people at the heart of the debates related to SDGs and engaging them in discussions and partnership with government actors, civil society, private sector for effective and inclusive financing, implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda.

On political level, Mob’4SDGs contribute to:

• The instauration and operationalization of an effective institutional framework of SDGs through the advocacy for

• an operational multisectoral platform for the follow-up of SDG (MINEPAT, UNO, administrations, the civil society, the parliament, development partners) that meet each year validate SDG implementation regional reports and the national report.

• an operational divisional and local level Council technical committees for participatory monitoring of public investment (at the level of local authorities);

• institution of divisional and regional committees for the follow-up of the physical and financial implementation of public investment;

• The instauration and operationalization of an effective follow up process for SDG by advocating/acting for • follow-up tools for the implementation of SDG;

• harmonization of the formats of local, divisional and regional follow-up report on SDG;

• high reference on sub-national indicators

• periodical follow up reports of SDG indicators and the weak participatory examination of the implementation of SDG at local and national level

• Institutional framework of indicators supplemented by a follow-up framework of indicators that will be developed together with the populations developed by the National Institute of Statistics and the United Nations System based on the global frame work and reflecting national specificities, which for each target, specified among others: indicators; data sources; and stakeholders responsible for the collection, analysis and dissemination. We must said that this framework needs to be

• Multiplication of data sources for the monitoring and assessment process of SDG. This imply:

• administrative sources within the various ministries based on projects and annual performance reports; the Local authorities and Consular Chambers.

• qualitative data related to the SDG within the Civil Society, traditional Authorities and Populations at the community level for qualitative data. The private sector through employer’s organisations are not effectively involved. The PTF based on bilateral and multilateral cooperation framework.

• Funding of SNDS for the publishing of expected statistics (especially, statistics derived from administrative sources, statistics on environment and climate change, statistics on the rural sector)

• assessment of the political impacts namely via specific studies

• Elaboration of national framework for quality assurance: (guidelines for surveys and censuses; Guidelines for statistics derived from administrative sources; guidelines for statistical summaries; monitoring/assessment tools for the quality of data)

Unhealthy Landscapes: Policy Recommendations on Land Use Change and Infectious Disease Emergence



Anthropogenic land use changes drive a range of infectious disease outbreaks and emergence events and modify the transmission of endemic infections. These drivers include agricultural encroachment, deforestation, road construction, dam building, irrigation, wetland modification, mining, the concentration or expansion of urban environments, coastal zone degradation, and other activities. These changes in turn cause a cascade of factors that exacerbate infectious disease emergence, such as forest fragmentation, disease introduction, pollution, poverty, and human migration. The Working Group on Land Use Change and Disease Emergence grew out of a special colloquium that convened international experts in infectious diseases, ecology, and environmental health to assess the current state of knowledge and to develop recommendations for addressing these environmental health challenges. The group established a systems model approach and priority lists of infectious diseases affected by ecologic degradation. Policy-relevant levels of the model include specific health risk factors, landscape or habitat change, and institutional (economic and behavioral) levels. The group recommended creating Centers of Excellence in Ecology and Health Research and Training, based at regional universities and/or research institutes with close links to the surrounding communities. The centers’ objectives would be 3-fold: a) to provide information to local communities about the links between environmental change and public health; b) to facilitate fully interdisciplinary research from a variety of natural, social, and health sciences and train professionals who can conduct interdisciplinary research; and c) to engage in science-based communication and assessment for policy making toward sustainable health and ecosystems.

Human-induced land use changes are the primary drivers of a range of infectious disease outbreaks and emergence events and also modifiers of the transmission of endemic infections (Patz et al. 2000). These land use changes include deforestation, road construction, agricultural encroachment, dam building, irrigation, coastal zone degradation, wetland modification, mining, the concentration or expansion of urban environments, and other activities. These changes in turn cause a cascade of factors that exacerbate infectious disease emergence, such as forest fragmentation, pathogen introduction, pollution, poverty, and human migration. These are important and complex issues that are understood only for a few diseases. For example, recent research has shown that forest fragmentation, urban sprawl, and biodiversity loss are linked to increased risk for Lyme disease in the northeastern United States (Schmidt and Ostfeld 2001). Expansion and changes in agricultural practices are intimately associated with the emergence of Nipah virus in Malaysia (Chua et al. 1999Lam and Chua 2002), cryptosporidiosis in Europe and North America, and a range of food-borne illnesses globally (Rose et al. 2001). Road building is linked to the expansion of bushmeat consumption that may have played a key role in the early emergence of human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 (Wolfe et al. 2000), and simian foamy virus has been found in bushmeat hunters (Wolfe et al. 2004).

In recognition of the complexity of land use change and the risks and benefits to human health that it entails, a special colloquium titled “Unhealthy Landscapes: How Land Use Change Affects Health” was convened at the 2002 biennial meeting of the International Society for Ecosystem Health (6–11 June 2002, Washington, DC) to address this issue. The invited experts worked to establish consensus on the current state of science and identify key knowledge gaps underlying this issue. This article condenses the working group’s report and presents a new research and policy agenda for understanding land use change and its effects on human health. Specifically, we discuss land-use drivers or human activities that exacerbate infectious diseases; the land–water interface, common to many infectious disease life cycles; and conclusions and recommendations for research and training from the working group.

Land-Use Drivers of Infectious Disease Emergence

The emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) resulting from land use change can be entirely new to a specific location or host species. This may occur either from “spillover” or cross-species transmission or simply by extension of geographic range into new or changed habitats. More than 75% of human diseases are zoonotic and have a link to wildlife and domestic animals (Taylor et al. 2001).

The working group developed an extensive list of processes by which land use affects human health (specifically, infectious disease occurrence) and of other factors that contribute to this relationship: agricultural development, urbanization, deforestation, population movement, increasing population, introduction of novel species/pathogens, water and air pollution, biodiversity loss, habit fragmentation, road building, macro and micro climate changes, hydrological alteration, decline in public health infrastructure, animal-intensive systems, eutrophication, military conflict, monocropping, and erosion (ranked from highest to lowest public health impact by meeting participants). The four mechanisms that were felt to have the greatest impact on public health were changes to the physical environment; movement of populations, pathogens, and trade; agriculture; and urbanization. War and civil unrest were also mentioned as a potentially acute and cross-cutting driver. Infectious disease agents with the strongest documented or suspected links to land use change are listed in Table 1

Table 1

Changes to the biophysical environment.


Rates of deforestation have grown exponentially since the beginning of the 20th century. Driven by rapidly increasing human population numbers, large swaths of species-rich tropical and temperate forests, as well as prairies, grasslands, and wetlands, have been converted to species-poor agricultural and ranching areas. The global rate of tropical deforestation continues at staggering levels, with nearly 2–3% of forests lost globally each year. Parallel with this habitat destruction is an exponential growth in human–wildlife interaction and conflict. This has resulted in exposure to new pathogens for humans, livestock, and wildlife (Wolfe et al. 2000). Deforestation and the processes that lead to it have many consequences for ecosystems. Deforestation decreases the overall habitat available for wildlife species. It also modifies the structure of environments, for example, by fragmenting habitats into smaller patches separated by agricultural activities or human populations. Increased “edge effect” (from a patchwork of varied land uses) can further promote interaction among pathogens, vectors, and hosts. This edge effect has been well documented for Lyme disease (Glass et al. 1995). Similarly, increased activity in forest habitats (through behavior or occupation) appears to be a major risk factor for leishmaniasis (Weigle et al. 1993). Evidence is mounting that deforestation and ecosystem changes have implications for the distribution of many other microorganisms and the health of human, domestic animal, and wildlife populations.

One example of the effects of land use on human health is particularly noteworthy. Deforestation, with subsequent changes in land use and human settlement patterns, has coincided with an upsurge of malaria and/or its vectors in Africa (Coluzzi 19841994Coluzzi et al. 1979), in Asia (Bunnag et al. 1979), and in Latin America (Tadei et al. 1998). When tropical forests are cleared for human activities, they are typically converted into agricultural or grazing lands. This process is usually exacerbated by construction of roads, causing erosion and allowing previously inaccessible areas to become colonized by people (Kalliola and Flores Paitán 1998). Cleared lands and culverts that collect rainwater are in some areas far more suitable for larvae of malaria-transmitting anopheline mosquitoes than are intact forests (Charlwood and Alecrim 1989Jones 1951Marques 1987).

Another example of the effects of land use on human health involves deforestation and noninfectious disease: the contamination of rivers with mercury. Soil erosion after deforestation adds significant mercury loads, which are found naturally in rainforest soils, to rivers. This has led to fish in the Amazon becoming hazardous to eat (Fostier et al. 2000Veiga et al. 1994).

Habitat fragmentation.

This alters the composition of host species in an environment and can change the fundamental ecology of microorganisms. Because of the nature of food webs within ecosystems, organisms at higher trophic levels exist at a lower population density and are often quite sensitive to changes in food availability. The smaller patches left after fragmentation often do not have sufficient prey for top predators, resulting in local extinction of predator species and a subsequent increase in the density of their prey species. Logging and road building in Latin America have increased the incidence of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis (Desjeux 2001), which in some areas has resulted from an increase in the number of fox reservoirs and sandfly vectors that have adapted to the peridomestic environment (Patz et al. 2000). Foxes, however, are not very important reservoirs for leishmaniasis in Latin America (Courtenay et al. 2002), and a more important factor in the transmission cycle includes domestic dogs.

Ostfeld and Keesing (2000) have demonstrated that smaller fragments in North American forests have fewer small mammal predators. Results suggest that the probability that a tick will become infected depends on not only the density of white-footed mice but also the density of mice relative to that of other hosts in the community. Under this scenario, the density effect of white-footed mice, which are efficient reservoirs for Lyme disease, can be “diluted” by an increasing density of alternative hosts, which are less efficient at transmitting Lyme disease. These results suggest that increasing host diversity (species richness) may decrease the risk of disease through a “dilution effect” (Schmidt and Ostfeld 2001).

Extractive industries.

Gold mining is an extractive industry that damages local and regional environments and has adverse human health effects, because mercury is used to extract gold from riverbeds in the tropical forests. Not only does mercury accumulate in local fish populations, making them toxic to eat (Lebel et al. 19961998), but mercury also suppresses the human immune system. Also, in gold-mining areas, more mosquito-breeding sites and increased malaria risk result from digging gem pits in the forest and from craters resulting from logging; broader disease spread occurs as populations disperse throughout the region (Silbergeld et al. 2002).

Movement of populations, pathogens, and trade.

The movement of humans, domestic animals, wildlife populations, and agricultural products through travel, trade, and translocations is a driver of infectious disease emergence globally. These sometimes inadvertent, sometimes deliberate movements of infectious disease and vectors (e.g., the introduction of smallpox and measles to the Americas by Spanish conquistadors) will continue to rise via continually expanding global travel and by development of Third World populations. Human introduction of pathogens, hosts, or materials into new areas has been termed “pathogen pollution” (Daszak et al. 2000).

Land use changes drive some of these introductions and migrations and also increase the vulnerability of habitats and populations to these introductions. Human migrations also drive land use changes that in turn drive infectious disease emergence. For example, in China’s Yunnan Province, an increase in livestock populations and migration has led to an increase in the incidence of schistosomiasis (Jiang et al. 1997). In Malaysia, a combination of deforestation, drought, and wildfires has led to alterations in the population movements and densities of flying foxes, large fruit bats known to be the reservoir for the newly emergent zoonosis Nipah virus (Chua et al. 1999). It is believed that the increased opportunity for contact between infected bats and pigs produced the outbreak of the disease in pigs, which then was transmitted to people in contact with infected pigs (Aziz et al. 2002).

Another example of human-induced animal movement on a much larger scale is the international pet trade. This movement of animals involves many countries and allows for the introduction of novel pathogens, such as monkeypox, with the potential to damage ecosystems and threaten human and animal health. Monkeypox was originally associated with bushmeat hunting of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus badius); after a localized epidemic emerged in humans, monkeypox persisted for four generations via human-to-human contact (Jezek et al. 1986).

Human movement also has significant implications for public health. Not only are travelers (tourists, businesspeople, and other workers) at risk of contracting communicable diseases when visiting tropical countries, but they also can act as vectors for delivering infectious diseases to another region or, in the case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), potentially around the world. Refugees account for a significant number of human migrants, carrying diseases such as hepatitis B and tuberculosis and various parasites (Loutan et al. 1997). Because of their status, refugees become impoverished and are more exposed to a wide range of health risks. This is caused by the disruption of basic health services, inadequate food and medical care, and lack of clean water and sanitation (Toole and Waldman 1997). People who cross international boundaries, such as travelers, immigrants, and refugees, may be at increased risk of contracting infectious diseases, especially those who have no immunity because the disease agents are uncommon in their native countries. Immigrants may come from nations where diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria are endemic, and refugees may come from situations where crowding and malnutrition create ideal conditions for the spread of diseases such as cholera, shigellosis, malaria, and measles [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 1998].


The importance of zoonotic diseases should be emphasized. Zoonotic pathogens are the most significant cause of EIDs affecting humans, both in the proportion of EIDs that they cause and in the impact that they have. Some 1,415 species of infectious organisms are known to be pathogenic to people, with 61% of them being zoonotic. Of the emerging pathogens, 75% are zoonotic, and zoonotic pathogens are twice as likely to be associated with emerging diseases than are nonzoonotic pathogens (Taylor et al. 2001). More important, zoonotic pathogens cause a series of EIDs with high case fatality rates and no reliable cure, vaccine, or therapy (e.g., Ebola virus disease, Nipah virus disease, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome). Zoonotic pathogens also cause diseases that have some of the highest incidence rates globally [e.g., acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)]. AIDS is a special case, because it is caused by a pathogen that jumped host from nonhuman primates and then evolved into a new virus. Thus, it is in origin a zoonotic organism (Hahn et al. 2000).

Because of the important role of zoonoses in current public health threats, wildlife and domestic animals play a key role in the process by providing a “zoonotic pool” from which previously unknown pathogens may emerge (Daszak et al. 2001). The influenza virus is an example, causing pandemics in humans after periodic exchange of genes among the viruses of wild and domestic birds, pigs, and humans. Fruit bats are involved in a high-profile group of EIDs that includes rabies and other lyssaviruses, Hendra virus and Menangle virus (Australia), and Nipah virus (Malaysia and Singapore), which has implications for further zoonotic disease emergence. A number of species are endemic to both remote oceanic islands and more populous suburban and rural human settlements; these may harbor enzootic and potentially zoonotic pathogens with an unknown potential for spillover (Daszak et al. 2000).

Thus, some of the current major infectious threats to human health are EIDs and reemerging infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on zoonotic pathogens transferring hosts from wildlife and domestic animals. A common, defining theme for most EIDs (of humans, wildlife, domestic animals, and plants) is that they are driven to emerge by anthropogenic changes to the environment. Because threats to wildlife habitat are so extensive and pervading, many of the currently important human EIDs (e.g., AIDS, Nipah virus disease) are driven partly by human-induced changes to wildlife habitat such as encroachment and deforestation. This is essentially a process of natural selection in which anthropogenic environmental changes perturb the host–parasite dynamic equilibrium, leading to the expansion of those strains suited to the new environmental conditions and facilitating expansion of others into new host species (Daszak et al. 2001).


Crop irrigation and breeding sites.

Agriculture occupies about half of the world’s land and uses more than two-thirds of the world’s fresh water (Horrigan et al. 2002). Agricultural development in many parts of the world has increased the need for crop irrigation, which reduces water availability for other uses and increases breeding sites for disease vectors. An increase in soil moisture associated with irrigation development in the southern Nile Delta after the construction of the Aswan High Dam has caused a rapid rise in the mosquito Culex pipiens and consequential increase in the arthropod-borne disease Bancroftian filariasis (Harb et al. 1993Thompson et al. 1996). Onchocerciasis and trypanosomiasis are further examples of vector-borne parasitic diseases that may be triggered by changing land-use and water management patterns. In addition, large-scale use of pesticides has had deleterious effects on farm workers, including hormone disruption and immune suppression (Straube et al. 1999).

Food-borne diseases.

Once agricultural development has expanded and produced food sufficient to meet local need, the food products are exported to other nations, where they can pose a risk to human health. The increase in imported foods has resulted in a rise in food-borne illness in the United States. Strawberries from Mexico, raspberries from Guatemala, carrots from Peru, and coconut milk from Thailand have caused recent outbreaks. Food safety is an important factor in human health, because food-borne disease accounts for an estimated 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,200 deaths in the United States each year (CDC 2003). Other dangers include antibiotic-resistant organisms, such as CyclosporaEscherichia coli O157:H7, and other pathogenic E. coli strains associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome in children (Dols et al. 2001).

Secondary effects.

Agricultural secondary effects need to be minimized, such as the emerging microbial resistance from antibiotics in animal waste that is included in farm runoff and the introduction of microdams for irrigation in Ethiopia that resulted in a 7-fold increase in malaria (Ghebreyesus et al. 1999).


On a global basis, the proportion of people living in urban centers will increase to an unprecedented 65% by the year 2030 (Population Reference Bureau 1998). The 2000 census shows that 80% of the U.S. population now lives in metropolitan areas, with 30% living in cities of 5 million or more. The environmental issues posed by such large population centers have profound impacts on public health beyond the city limits (Knowlton 2001).

Alterations of ecosystems and natural resources contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious disease agents. Human encroachment of wildlife habitat has broadened the interface between wildlife and humans, increasing opportunities for both the emergence of novel infectious diseases in wildlife and their transmission to people. Rabies is an example of a zoonotic disease carried by animals that has become habituated to urban environments. Bats colonize buildings, skunks and raccoons scavenge human refuse, and in many countries feral dogs in the streets are common and the major source of human infection (Singh et al. 2001).

Infectious diseases can also pass from people to wildlife. Nonhuman primates have acquired measles from ecotourists (Wallis and Lee 1999). Also, drug resistance in gram-negative enteric bacteria of wild baboons living with limited human contact is significantly less common than in baboons living with human contact near urban or semiurban human settlements (Rolland et al. 1985).

The Land–Water Interface

Another major driver of infectious disease emergence results from the land–water interface. Land use changes often involve water projects or coastal marine systems in which nutrients from agricultural runoff can cause algal blooms.

Currently the seventh cholera pandemic is spreading across Asia, Africa, and South America. In 1992, a new serogroup (Vibrio cholerae O139) appeared and has been responsible for epidemics in Asia (Colwell 1996). The seasonality of cholera epidemics may be linked to the seasonality of plankton (algal blooms) and the marine food chain. Studies using remote-sensing data of chlorophyll-containing phytoplankton have shown a correlation between cholera cases and sea surface temperatures in the Bay of Bengal. Interannual variability in cholera incidence in Bangladesh is also linked to the El Niño southern oscillation and regional temperature anomalies (Lobitz et al. 2000), and cholera prevalence has been associated with progressively stronger El Niño events spanning a 70-year period (Rodo et al. 2002). This observation on cholera incidence may represent an early health indicator of global climate change (Patz 2002).

Infectious diseases in marine mammals and sea turtles could serve as sentinels for human disease risk. Sea turtles worldwide are affected by fibropapillomatosis, a disease probably caused by one or several viruses and characterized by multiple epithelial tumors. Field studies support the observation that prevalence of this disease is associated with heavily polluted coastal areas, areas of high human density, agricultural runoff, and/or biotoxin-producing algae (Aguirre and Lutz, in press). This represents the breakdown of the land–water interface, to the point that several pathogens typical of terrestrial ecosystems have become established in the oceans. Toxoplasmosis in the endangered sea otter (Enhydra lutris) represents an example of pathogen pollution. Massive mortalities in pinnipeds and cetaceans reaching epidemics of tens of thousands are caused by four morbilliviruses evolving from the canine distemper virus (Aguirre et al. 2002). Additionally, overfishing has myriad ramifications for marine ecosystems and sustainable protein food sources for human populations.

Cryptosporidium, a protozoan that completes its life cycle within the intestine of mammals, sheds high numbers of infectious oocysts that are dispersed in feces. A recent study found that 13% of finished treated water still contained Cryptosporidium oocysts, indicating some passage of microorganisms from source to treated drinking water (LeChevallier and Norton 1995). The protozoan is highly prevalent in ruminants and is readily transmitted to humans. Thus, management of livestock contamination of watersheds is an important public health issue.

One example of how overexploitation of a natural water resource led to infectious disease is that of Lake Malawi in Africa. Overfishing in the lake reduced the population of snail-eating fish to such a level that snail populations erupted. Subsequently, schistosomiasis incidence and prevalence markedly rose after this ecologic imbalance (Madsen et al. 2001).

Recommendations from the Working Group

Conceptual model: bringing land use into public health policy.

The recommendations stemming from the international colloquium are highly relevant to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), a broad multiagency/foundation-sponsored scientific assessment of degraded ecosystem effects on human well-being. A conceptual framework of the MEA already provides an approach to optimize the contribution of ecosystems to human health (MEA 2003). This framework offers a mechanism to a) identify options that can better achieve human development and sustainable goals, b) better understand the trade-offs involved in environment-related decisions, and c) align response options at all scales, from the local to the global, where they can be most effective. This conceptual framework focuses on human well-being while also recognizing associated intrinsic values. Similar to the MEA, focus is particularly on the linkages between ecosystem services and human health. Workshop participants developed a conceptual model (Figure 1). Like the MEA, it assumes a dynamic interaction between humans and ecosystems that warrants a multiscale assessment (spatial and temporal).

Figure 1

By using this framework, policy makers may approach development and health at various levels. These levels include specific health risk factors, landscape or habitat change, and institutional (economic and behavioral) levels. For sound health policy, we must shift away from dealing primarily with specific risk factors and look “upstream” to underlying land-use determinants of infectious disease and ultimately the human behavior and established institutions that are detrimental to sustainable population health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a similar DPSEEA (driving forces, pressures, state, exposure, effect, actions) model that in a similar way describes the interlinkage between human health and different driving forces and environmental change (WHO 1997).

As such understanding increases, it will become more feasible to plan how to prevent new infectious disease emergence. Yet, because these are rare events, accurate predictions will remain daunting. It is already evident that inserting humans into complex ecosystems can lead to a variety of EIDs, but health outcomes depend on the economic circumstances of the human population. In poor and tropical communities, land use change can lead to major shifts in infectious disease patterns. For these situations, many conventional public health interventions can prevent several infectious diseases at relatively low cost. In rich and temperate-climate communities, the infectious disease shifts tend to be more disease specific, for example, in the case of Lyme disease and habitat fragmentation.

Research on deforestation and infectious disease.

Considering the deforestation that usually accompanies agricultural development, new conservation-oriented agriculture should be pursued. As discussed above, water project development and modern livestock management present major health disease risks. However, often the secondary unintended consequences can also wreak havoc; for example, a leaking dam may present greater risks than the reservoir itself. A distressingly large number of development projects not only have adverse effects on human health but also fail to attain their primary economic purposes in a sustainable manner.

Habitat fragmentation, whether caused by forest destruction, desertification, or land-use conversion, affects human and wildlife health and ecosystem processes. There is already much research undertaken by landscape ecologists on the consequences of habitat fragmentation for wildlife, especially larger animals. It would be important to study the effects of landscape fragmentation on public health hazards. Such research could entail three components. The first component consists of gathering baseline data, including using historical data where possible and beginning monitoring programs where necessary. Key data include identifying and quantifying the relevant pathogen load of wildlife, livestock, and human communities in fragmented landscapes. The goals of this data collection are, first, to identify key infectious diseases, both chronic and emergent or reemergent and, second, to document the consequences of fragmentation on relative abundance of wildlife and subsequent pathogen load. For example, the loss of large predators in fragmented habitats in the northeastern United States has led to a superabundance of rodent vectors for Lyme disease.

The second component of the research program would involve health impact modeling, primarily in three areas: a) estimating changes in the relative abundance of organisms, including infectious disease vectors, pathogens, and hosts; b) projecting potential vector or transmission shifts (e.g., should the Nipah virus shift to pulmonary as well as neurologic expression in humans as in swine); and c) projecting the impact of infectious diseases in a region on different geographic scales.

The results of these analyses, if successful, could support the third component of research: development of decision-support tools. Improved decisions on land-use policy could be made from a better understanding of costs and benefits to health and environmental decision makers. In all probability, however, they will be very location specific. For example, to construct an irrigation scheme in India would likely invite a malaria epidemic, whereas the same activity in sub-Saharan Africa may have little effect on malaria transmission. It is worth mentioning that costs and benefits could depend on the time course over which they are assessed. For example, some land-use changes can lead to short-term increases in transmission followed by longer-term decreases (e.g., irrigation and malaria in Sri Lanka) or vice versa (e.g., deforestation and cutaneous leishmaniasis in Latin America).

Policies to reduce microbial traffic/pathogen pollution.

In today’s interconnected world, it becomes very important to invest in the worldwide control of infectious diseases in developing countries, for example. It is also necessary to control transport to stem the flow from one place to the next.

Improved monitoring of trade is warranted in order to target infectious disease introductions. In the attempt to prevent the invasion of a pathogen (and drug-resistant organisms) into the vulnerable areas subject to land use changes, we need to pay greater attention to controls at the sources. We need to document and map these trades and investigate the vectors, the infectious diseases they harbor, and the populations they threaten. Risk assessment should guide surveillance and the development of test kits, targeting point-of-origin intervention to preempt these processes. Assessments must further include nonmarket costs (usually to the detriment of the environment and long-term sustainable health). We should communicate to both the exporters and consumers the need to make their trades clean, economically viable, and certified “clean and green” by an independent scientific agency at the source and/or destination. Additionally, strategies for screening travelers for pathogens that may be introduced to a region should be improved.

Centers of Excellence in Ecology and Health Research and Training.

One approach to developing the issues to which this article draws attention is the creation of a system of regional- or subregional-based interdisciplinary Centers of Excellence in Ecology and Health Research and Training. Based at regional universities and/or research institutes but with very close links to the surrounding communities, these centers would have the following objectives:

  • Providing information based on good science to local communities about the links between environmental change and public health, including the factors that contribute to specific infectious disease outbreaks. The new research agenda must gather information on household and community perspectives about proposals for the use of their land. These perspectives are key to assessing the cost/benefit of a proposed project. Training local professionals in environmental, agricultural, and health science issues, with a particular focus on granting degrees in a new “trans”-discipline linking health and the environment, would be emphasized.
  • Acting as centers of integrated analysis of infectious disease emergence, incorporating perspectives and expertise from a variety of natural, social, and health sciences. Research activities would range from taxonomy of pathogens and vectors to identifying best practices for influencing changes in human behavior to reduce ecosystem and health risks.
  • Incorporating a “health impact assessment” as an important cross-sectorial decision-making tool in overall development planning (parallel to an environmental impact assessment), along with the need for doing more research.
  • Equipping professionals with the ability to recommend policy toward maintaining ecosystem function and promoting sustainable public health for future generations. For example, the link between forest fragmentation and Lyme disease risk could lead to preserving more intact tracts of forest habitat by planning “cluster” housing schemes.

Implementing research and policy programs.

In selecting areas for research and the placement of centers of excellence, it is important to choose geographically representative, highly diverse areas around the world. In addition, research projects should take place in regions or landscapes that have both well characterized and less characterized patterns of infectious disease emergence or transmission for comparison purposes. Local health and environment professionals, who are in the best position to understand local priorities, should make the choices within each region for initial research areas and sites.

Addressing trade-offs among environment, health, and development.

There are some inherent trade-offs when considering land-use change and health. They are ethical values, environmental versus health choices, and disparities in knowledge and economic class. Trade-offs are between short-term benefit and long-term damage. For example, draining swamps may reduce vector-borne disease hazards but also destroy the wetland ecosystem and its inherent services (e.g., water storage, water filtration, biologic productivity, and habitats for fish and wildlife). Research can help decision making by identifying and assessing trade-offs in different land-use-change scenarios. Balancing the diverse needs of people, livestock, wildlife, and the ecosystem will always be a prominent feature.


When considering issues of land use and infectious disease emergence, the public needs to be attentive to entire ecosystems rather than simply their local environs. Although we may not live within a certain environment, its health may indirectly affect our own. For example, intact forests support complex ecosystems and provide essential habitats for species that are specialized to those flora and that may be relevant to our health. If these complex relationships are disrupted, there may be unforeseen impacts on human health, as the above examples clearly demonstrate.

Encouraging initiatives.

Three new initiatives are rising to the challenges presented above. The first initiative, the Consortium for Conservation Medicine (CCM), was formed recently to address these health challenges at the interface of ecology, wildlife health, and public health (Figure 2). At its core, conservation medicine champions the integration of techniques and partnering of scientists from diverse disciplines, particularly veterinary medicine, conservation biology, and public health. Through the consortium, therefore, these experts work with educators, policy makers, and conservation program managers to devise approaches that improve the health of both species and humans simultaneously [more information is available from the CCM website (CCM 2004)]

Figure 2

The second initiative, the new international journal EcoHealth, focuses on the integration of knowledge at the intersection of ecologic and health sciences. The journal provides a gathering place for research and reviews that integrate the diverse knowledge of ecology, health, and sustainability, whether scientific, medical, local, or traditional. The journal will encourage development and innovation in methods and practice that link ecology and health, and it will ensure clear and concise presentation to facilitate practical and policy application [more information is available from the EcoHealth website (EcoHealth 2004)].

The third initiative, the MEA, is an international work program designed to meet the needs of decision makers and the public for scientific information concerning the consequences of ecosystem change for human health and well-being and for options in responding to those changes. This assessment was launched by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan in June 2001 and will help to meet the assessment needs of international environmental forums, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, and the Convention on Migratory Species, as well as the needs of other users in the private sector and civil society [more information is available from the Millennium Assessment Working Groups website (Millennium Assessment Working Groups 2004)].

Challenges ahead.

As this working group of researchers continues to work on these topics, we face three challenges. First, strong trans-disciplinary research partnerships need to be forged to approach the research with the degree of creative thinking and comprehensiveness required by the nature of the problems. Second, if the work is to influence policy, the choice of questions and the research must be undertaken collaboratively with the local community and also through discussion with decision makers in government, industry, civil society, and other sectors. Third, investigators must consider how they can integrate their findings into the social, economic, and political dialogue on both the environment and health, globally and locally. As links between land use and health are elucidated, an informed public will more readily use such discoveries to better generate political will for effective change.


Assessing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies among Rural Maasai pastoralist in Kenya

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The aim of this study is to assess adaptation and coping strategies of Maasai pastoralist to climate change and identify viable adaptation options to reduce the impact of climate change among Maasai pastoralist in the arid and semi-arid (ASALS) in Kenya. The study was carried out in Kajiado County and multiple data collection techniques such as in-depth interview with 305 households, focus group discussion, and key informant interview were used to assess adaptation strategies of pastoralist household and identify viable adaptation options for the study area. Rainfall data used for the study was also collected from Kenya Meteorological Service (KMS) and used for standard precipitation index (SPI) analysis. SPI was used to analyze drought severity in the study area between 1970 and 2013. SPI was designed to quantify precipitation deficit for multiple time scale. Results showed that drought is the major climatic challenge affecting pastoralist in the study area. The SPI result showed increase in drought occurrence in Kajiado County in recent years with six years (2000, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2011) having negative SPI values between 2000-2011. The year 2000 was also the driest year recorded in the study with an SPI value of -3.09. The study also showed that Maasai pastoralists already have many adaptation measures to cope with the impacts of climate extremes. However, increase in drought occurrence in the last few years is reducing their resilience. This study observed that most of the adaptation and coping strategies adopted by Maasai pastoralist are autonomous and are unlikely to build resilience of pastoralist livelihoods and ecosystems to cope with the projected magnitude and scale of climate change in the 21st Century. The study identified adaptation strategies such as effective early warning system, water harvesting, rapid infrastructural development, encouraging table banking and cooperative societies, Building and equipping schools, migration, livestock diversification and child education as long term no regret adaptation option that can enhance resilience of Maasai pastoralist to climate change and its extremes in the arid and semi arid lands of Kenya


Geographical location is one of the key factors that determine vulnerability of communities to climate change and variability [26]. Over 80% of the lands in Kenya are classified as arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) and they are by far the most vulnerable to climate change and variability [21]. The impacts of climate change and variability in Kenya have introduced a new dimension to the national fights against food insecurity and poverty. This is because Kenya depends on natural resources and especially agriculture for livelihood sustainability and economic growth. Studies have shown that fluctuations and variations in climate, particularly rainfall and temperature, adversely affect the physical, biological and socio-economic systems leading to disasters and calamities [127].

Kenya has identified its ASALs as the most vulnerable areas to climate change with huge impacts on livestock rearing, small-holder agriculture and tourism, which are the dominant sources of livelihoods in these areas [9]. About 10 million people which are about a third of the whole population of Kenya live in the arid and semi arid lands (ASALs). The main source of livelihood among people that live in the ASALs of Kenya is livestock production (largely through Pastoralism). Livestock production accounts for 26% of total national agricultural production and over 70% of the country’s livestock and 75% of wildlife are in the ASALs [8].

The greatest challenge to pastoral livelihood in the ASALs is dealing with the unpredictability of rainfall both within and between seasons. Recent increase in drought events and dry spells in ASALs in Kenya has lead to severe economic and food security risks countrywide with a greater impact on populations whose livelihoods are dependent on agriculture and other related natural resources [21]. Scientific evidence shows that climate variability and change are expected to further exacerbate the variability in rainfall and temperatures [121328] in ASALs.

Repeated occurrence of the incidents of droughts and dry spells have made it difficult for the pastoral communities in the ASALs to maintain their assets and lack of timely early warning information has reduced their capacity to respond when the conditions are still good. Drought ranks first among naturals hazards in the number of persons affected in Kenya and Africa [2930]. Kajiado County which is one of the ASAL counties in Kenya is also affected by the severe impact of drought and dry spells. The County has experienced major incidence of drought since 1900, which have become more common in the last two decades [14]. Severe drought have been recorded in the following years 1960/1961, 1969, 1973/1974, 79, 1980/1981, 1983/1984, 1991/1992, 1995/1996, 1999/2000, 2004/2006, 2008/2009, and 2010/11 with widespread direct and indirect effects on the lives and livelihoods [1022].

Adaptation is a broad concept covering actions taken by individuals, households, communities, private and public organization. Successful adaptation can reduce vulnerability by strengthening existing coping and adaptation strategies. For many decades, pastoral communities in ASALs have developed indigenous ways of adapting to varying degree of occurrence of dry spells and drought; however, recent increase in the frequency of occurrence of these weather events is stretching the resilience of the pastoral community and may have adverse effect on the future generation of Maasai pastoralist in Kajiado. Pastoral communities have for a long time used indigenous forecasting methods to predict seasonal climatic events [33]. Some of the Maasai pastoral communities observe clouds, wind and lightning that likely have their origins in traditional understandings of what contemporary researchers recognize as atmospheric science. Others watch the behaviour of livestock, wildlife and the local flora [1]. However, many traditional forecasting methods are perceived as becoming less reliable with increasing climate variability.

Studies [1212225] have analyzed and documented pastoralists’ adaptation and coping strategies to climate change and variability at the community and household level. Given the projections for increasing drought impacts in the pastoral areas, it is important to inform policy makers on various adaptation and coping responses at local levels in order to reduce risks associated with drought. This study seeks to understand the drought pattern in Kajiado County using participatory methods and information from the meteorological station. The study also documented their coping and adaptation strategies and identified viable adaptation strategies that will enhance adaptation of the Maasai pastoralist communities to climate change and variability.

Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Location

The study was carried out in selected villages in Kajiado County in Kenya. Kajiado County is located in the southern tip of the former Rift valley province between longitudes 36o5 and 37o5 and latitudes 100 and 300 South [1]. It covers an area of 19,600Km2 (CBS, 1981). The County has 173,464 households and a population of 687, 312 of which 50.2% are male and 49.8% are female. Kajiado County is bordered by Tanzania to the south, Taita Taveta County to the west, Narok County to the east and Nakuru, Kiamnau, Nairobi and Makueni Counties to the north. Kajiado has a population of 136,482 people and a land size of 2,

2.2. Field Study Design and Data Collection Process

The field study was conducted in Kajiado east sub-county. Kajiado east was selected because of its geographical location, sources of livelihood and proneness to extreme climatic events especially drought and dry spells. The study used multistage sampling technique. The sampling was conducted based on the five administrative wards in the sub-county. The list of villages and households were collected by the administrative chiefs. The households in the villages were listed from 1 to N (N = group size) and then systematic selection of the households were carried out. Thus, the choice of the household interviewed was based on systematic sampling procedure [23]. A random start was used in choosing the first household to be interviewed and the interview were conducted in every seventh house hold. A total of 305 households were interviewed between November 2014 and February 2015.

2.3. Questionnaire Interviews

Information on different aspect of the study was obtained through the administration of questionnaire on individual pastoralist households and community leaders. The information collected using the questionnaire included (1) demographic information of households; (2) socio-economic characteristics of individual households including resource endowments, poverty levels, sources of income and infrastructural status; (3) climate-related extreme events and their impacts on the pastoralist livelihood; (4) adaptation and coping strategies of households to climate change and climate variability. The information collected from the questionnaire interviews was further validated through FGDs, informal interviews and general observations.

2.4. Focus Group Discussion and Key Informant Interviews

A total of four (4) focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted separately with a gender parity (of eight men and eight women) from the sampled villages. The pastoralist that participated in the FGD were selected based on gender with the help of the local leaders. Focus group discussion created opportunity for further interaction with the community members and lead to verbal expression and opinions about climate change and its effect on the pastoralist livelihood. The discussions captured the local knowledge on climate variability and its impacts on pastoralist communities, vulnerability, and adaptation and coping options to extreme climate events

Further discussions were held with a total of 30 people considered to be key informant individually between November 2014 and January 2015. The key informants were selected from local organizations in Kajiado County, Staff of the County meteorological department, local chiefs, village elders and drought monitors, community-based animal health workers, and opinion leaders.

2.5. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

The standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used to analyze drought severity in the study area between 1970 and 2013. Monthly rainfall data collected for Isinya, Kajiado east rainfall was used for the SPI analysis. SPI was designed to quantify precipitation deficit for multiple time scale [16]. The SPI in this study was calculated for the long rains (March to May), short rains (October to December) and also yearly from January to December. The SPI is calculated by dividing the difference between normalized seasonal precipitation and its long-term seasonal mean by standard deviation as follows:

Where Xij = Seasonal precipitation value at jth station

Xim = Long term seasonal mean precipitation

SD = Standard deviation

This study used the McKee et al. [16] SPI classification system (Table 1) to define drought intensity resulting from the SPI.

 Results and Discussion

3.1. Gender and Educational Level of Respondents

Figure 2 shows the gender of household heads interviewed in the study area. 88% of the household interviewed are headed by males while only 12% of the household interviewed were headed by females. This shows that the Maasai communities are patriarchal in nature and this may affect access of female headed households to information and education about climate change and climate extremes that can enhance their coping strategies. Studies by [1920] reported that women in pastoralist communities in Kenya are more vulnerable to climate change and extreme climatic events because they are not always involved in decision making in the communities and pastoralist women also have less access to family resources and finances reducing their ability to manage risk and external climatic shock.

The educational level of respondent (Table 2) shows a high level of illiteracy among Masaai pastoralist in Kajiado County. 50% of female and 31% of male respondent have no formal education. This shows a higher level of illiteracy among Maasai women when compared to men. Illiteracy hinders access to information and also speed of recovery from a climatic events and also constraints options for livelihood diversification [1419]. 38% of female and 49% of male have access to primary education; 13% of female and 13% of male have access to secondary education; 3% of male have diploma degree and 2% of the male respondent have University degrees. This concurs with the findings of [1420] who reported high illiteracy levels among pastoralist in Kenya. GOK, 2013, also reported a high illiteracy rate of 65.2% for Kajiado County. Illiteracy limits the ability of an individual to take up opportunities such as employment and inhibits access to information and technical advice that could enhance adaptation to climate change.

3.2. Sources of Livelihood of Respondent

The sources of livelihood of are presented in Figure 3. The reports shows that 93% of respondent interviewed are involved in livestock keeping (pastoralism). Several studies [2212425] reported that pastoralism is the main source of livelihood in ASALs and pastoralist over years has developed mechanisms to cope with climate variability in the ASALs. However, increase in extreme climatic events such as drought in recent decades has made pastoralist develop alternative sources of livelihood such as engaging in business. This study shows that 66% of respondent are involved in business. Bead works, belt production and scandal production are the main business identified by respondent in this study. The study also shows that 8% of respondent are government employees, 7% are involved in crop production and 1% provide services such as tourist guards and house security.

3.3. Pattern of Extreme Climatic Events in Kajiado County

Time line data of extreme climatic events in Kajiado County from 1976-2014 is presented in Table 3. The report shows that drought is the main climatic event affecting Maasai pastoralist in Kajiado County. Maasai pastoralist reported that the frequency of drought and dry spell has been increasing the last 15years and the rains are becoming more erratic. Focus group discussants agreed that rainfall pattern has been changing drastically since the year 2000 till date. They reported that raining seasons are becoming shorter and when the rain comes, it falls heavily within few days causing flash floods and erosion. The pastoralist also reported that the frequency of drought in Kajiado county have reduced from 8-10years to 2-3years since the year 2000.

The participant of one of the FGD were in agreement with the following statement made by one of them

When I was young the rains were quite predictable and we all know the time for the long and short raining season. Now the rain comes earlier or late or even some times refuse to come at all. We now experience failed raining season (drought) at least once every two years in the area and this affecting the pastoralist system (FGD, Entayiankat, Kajiado East Sub County).

This study confirms the frequency of the drought problem that has been affecting southern rangelands and the pastoral communities. Several other studies [192124] have reported increase in the frequency of drought in ASALs in Kenya and its impact on the livelihood of pastoralist living in the area. Increase in drought has lead severe loss of animals over the years and this has increased the rate of cattle stealing and communal clashes in the ASAL region of Kenya [1].

3.4. Drought Pattern in the Study Area

The result of standardized precipitation index (SPI) values for the long raining season (March-May) and the short raining season (October to December) for a period of 43years (1970 -2013) is presented in Table 4. A total of twenty (20) years have negative SPI values for the long rains, while twenty three (23) years have negative values for the short rains. The long raining season recorded extreme drought in three years 1973, 1984 and 2000 with SPI values of (-2.48, -2.77 and -2.82) respectively. Also moderately dry season was recorded in 1976 with a SPI value of -1.13. The short raining season has two years 1970 and 1981 of extreme drought with SPI values of (-2.33 and -2.18) respectively. It also recorded one year of severe drought in 1975 with a SPI value of -1.53 and five years 1972, 1973, 1976, 1980 and 2005 of moderate drought with SPI values of (-1.14, -1.06, -1.13, -1.27 and -1.36) respectively. The findings of this study agrees with Camberlin and Philippon, [3] who noted that the long raining seasons are more reliable than the short raining season in ASALs regions. The result shows that six years (1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976 and 1979) had negative SPI values between (1970 and 1979) for the long rains and six years (1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976 and 1979) had negative SPI values between (1970 and 1979) for the short raining season. Four years (1982, 1983, 1984 and 1978) of negative SPI values were recorded between 1980 and 1989 for the long rains and six years (1980, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1987 and 1988) of negative SPI values were recorded between 1980 and 1989 for the short rains. Result shows four years (1993, 1994, 1997 and 1999) of negative SPI values were recorded between 1990 and 1999 for the long rains, and also four years (1990, 1993, 1995, and 1996) of negative SPI values for the short rains between 1990 and 1999. The year 2000 to 2011 is the driest period reported in this study. Six (6) years (2000, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011) of negative SPI value were recorded for the long raining season and seven (7) years (2000, 2003, 2004, 2005 2007, 2008 and 2010) were recorded for the short raining season. Several studies [1113132] have reported reduction in rainfall amount especially during the short raining season in the ASALs of Kenya. This report also confirms the findings from the FGDs where discussants reported increase in drought events in the last 15years.

Result of annual drought severity from 1970 -2013 (Table 5) shows that a total of 21years has negative SPI values. The study area experienced severe and extreme drought in the year 1976 and 2000 with SPI values of -2.03 and -3.09 respectively; with the year 2000 being the driest year reported in this study. Six years (2000, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 and 2011) have negative SPI values between 2000 -2011. The increasing severity and frequency of drought occurrence in Kajiado County is an indication that the region is getting drier reflecting the observed climate change in the ASALs of Kenya

5. Adaptation and Coping Strategies of Maasai Pastoralist to Climate Change and Variability

Maasai pastoralist communities in Kajiado County over the years have developed strategies of coping and adapting to climate change and it’s extreme. However, respondents agreed that increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme climatic events is increasing their vulnerability to these extreme climatic events. This study revealed the different strategies used by Maasai pastoralist to adapt to climate change and its extremes.

Table 6 summarizes the adaptation and coping strategies and the percentage of household using the adaptation strategies in the study area. Migration in search of pasture (79%), Destocking (68%), buying of hay (60%), livelihood diversification (74%), table banking and self held group (55%) were some of the strategies identified by respondent. Other strategies identified by the households include Harvesting of wild fruit, slaughtering of weak animals, diversification of herds, sending children to school and rain harvesting.

3.6. Identified Best Adaptation Options in the Study Area

The Maasai pastoralist households were asked to rate the adaptation strategies identified based on their level of importance. They rated the adaptation strategies that will significantly reduce their vulnerability to climate change and also areas where they will need assistance from external bodies such ad government organizations and NGOs. Table 7 shows the level of importance of adaptation strategies based on the rating of Maasai pastoralist. A five point rating scale was used to rate the level of importance of the adaptation strategies. The 5 point ordinal scale were graded either as 5= very important, 4= important, 3= moderate importance, 2= low importance, 1= no importance.

Rain harvesting and solving water problem was identified as the most important adaptation strategy in Kajiado County. Respondent identified water shortage as the biggest problem facing Kajiado County. Table 7 shows that 62.00% of respondent believed that solving water problem through water harvesting, building boreholes, dams and water pans is a very important adaptation strategy in Kajiado County. 25.4% reported that it’s important, 10.8% reported that it is moderately important and 1.8% reported low importance. Lack of water for both human and animal use is a major challenge in Kajiado County. This challenge is further compounded by frequent drought that leads to drying up of water pans, wells and rivers. Rain harvesting, traveling long distance to fetch water and buying of water are some the adaptation strategy used by pastoralist. The importance of solving the water challenge was echoed by the FGDs with one the discussant stating:

Lack of water is one of the biggest challenges facing Kajiado County. We need the government and NGOs to assist in building borehole, dams and water pans for us and our livestock. This will stop the water borne diseases affecting people and also save our women and children the danger of traveling long distance in search of water.

Child education was also identified as one of the most important adaptation strategy among Maasai pastoralist. Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado County believe that child education is a long term adaptation strategy to climate change. They perceive education as a viable livelihood diversification strategy in a fast changing society that is making sustainability of pastoralism in the County uncertain. Table 7 shows that 45.6% of respondent reported that child education is a very important adaptation strategy, 35.8% believed it is important, 9.5% believed it is moderately important, 7.2% said it’s of low importance and 1.9% said it is of no importance. Maasai pastoralists for decades saw education as an exit strategy and were not keen in educating their children. However, with increase urbanization, change in land use and increased climatic extremes, child education is now seen as the best way to prepare for an uncertain future. Previous studies by Opiyo et al., 2013 and Kagunyu 2014 also reported child education as a viable adaptation option in ASALs of Kenya.

Maasai pastoralist believed that improved infrastructure (better road network and availability of electricity) will improve their resilience to climate change and variability. 42.6% of respondent stated that improved infrastructure is a very important adaptation strategy and 36.8% believed it is important. GOK [7] reported that Kajiado County has only 300km tarmac road out of the 2,344.2km road available in the County; it also stated that about half of the available road network (1111.9km) are earth roads. Improved road network will improve access to major town to seek for alternative sources of income by the pastoralist. It will also increase access to major markets in the County. Only 39.8% of the households in Kajiado County have access to electricity and this are mainly concentrated in the urban areas [7]. Access to electricity especially in the rural areas will improve their access to information and early warning systems that will help in making fast decisions during climatic extremes. Respondent also reported that electricity will enhance livelihood diversification especially into electricity based livelihood.

Herd migration is one of the main adaptation strategies identified by pastoralist particularly in times of drought and dry spell. 32.4% of respondent reported that herd migration is a very important adaptation strategy and 35.8% reported it as an important adaptation strategy. Herd mobility enables opportunistic use of resources and help to minimize the effect of drought and dry spells [21]. Maasai pastoralist in Kajiado has for years developed migratory route in search of pasture, water and market for livestock. In times of extreme drought, pastoralists graze their animals in restricted national parks and sometimes cross the border to Tanzania in search of pasture and water. Focus group discussant reported that herd migration in Kajiado County is reducing due to increasing land sub division and sales; and increase in the chance of disease outbreak and death of animals during migration. FGD discussant suggested the creation of livestock migratory route in the County. This will allow pastoralist move their animals freely during drought and dry spells. Studies [515] revealed that seasonal decisions to migrate ensure that households maintain the productivity of their herds and security of their families. This form of mobility is pursued primarily for livelihood purposes and is very strategic to the survival of the pastoralist system [17].

Table banking is a group funding system where members of a particular group meet regularly to save money, repay loans and other contributions and also borrow money as long term or short term loans (FGD, Entayiankat). 33.8% of respondent reported that table banking and cooperative society are very important adaptation strategies during extreme climatic events. Table banking and cooperative societies is a fast way of securing loans without collateral and also minimal interest rate among rural dwellers. Maasai pastoralist women in Kajiado County use table banking to secure loans for livelihood diversification and paying for children school fees.

Table 7 shows that 30.0% respondents reported that livestock diversification is a very important adaptation strategy in the study area, 32.8% reported that it is important, 25.4% reported moderate importance, 8.0% reported low importance and 3.8% said it is of no importance. Livestock diversification is one of the key adaptation strategies that have enable pastoralist communities to survive harsh environmental conditions for centuries (Speranza, 2010). Diversification of livestock herds has both ecological and economic implications as different livestock species had different water and pasture requirements and reacted differently to droughts and diseases. Respondents reported that new breeds that are drought tolerance and consumes less pasture such as Saiwal cattle, dairy goats and black headed Maasai sheep are now been reared by Maasai pastoralist in the area. They reported that dairy goats consume less forage when compared to cattle and they also produce nutritious milk.

Early warning against extreme climatic conditions gives communities ample time to take decisions [1,18]. Result shows that 30.4% of respondents stated that early warning system is a very important adaptation strategy in the study area. Discussants at the FGD agree with the statement made by one of them that:

Timely and reliable climatic information would enable the Maasai household make informed decision on whether to increase his herd size or sell part of his animals. It also helps to make decisions on the specie of livestock to retain. It is also useful in making important agricultural decisions by agro-pastoralist.

However, discussant at the FDGs complained that climatic information does not get to the communities early. They also complain about the accuracy of climatic information from government sources.

4. Conclusion

This study showed that the impact of climate change and its extremes is being felt by Maasai pastoralist living in Kajiado County of Kenya. The increase in drought occurrence has severe impact on pastoralist livelihood, food security, human and animal health, vegetation, and child education in the study area. The Maasai pastoralists in Kajiado County have always responded to climate variability using various strategies that are discussed in this paper. However, the study showed that most of the adaptation strategies adopted by the pastoralist are largely autonomous adaptation and are unlikely to build resilience of pastoralist livelihoods and ecosystems to cope with the projected magnitude and scale of climate change in the 21st Century. Moreover, the vulnerability of the Maasai pastoralist is exacerbated by the interaction among ‘multiple stresses’ including poverty, land use change and a low adaptive capacity (Maito et al., 2013). Planned adaptation actions are therefore needed to respond to current and anticipated impacts of climate change and variability among pastoralist in the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya.

Effective early warning system, seasonal climate forecasting and information dissemination can be an effective planned adaptation strategy against drought among Maasai pastoralist in Kajiado County. For early warning information to be effective and more than just a projected events, communities need to be endowed with a wider range of information and capacities upon which they can rely to mitigate imminent crises. A clear understanding of the knowledge and experience of communities can guide early warning information and services content in such a way that valuable information can be provided at the grassroots level. Early warning information should include provision of seasonal climate and disease risk forecasts, timely information on the distribution of prices of key commodities across major markets and provision of information on the geospatial distribution of forage and water availability; it should also offer advice on effective and available risk mitigation strategies and how best to respond in the advent of a shock. The use of community radios to promote drought early warning system among pastoralist in Isiolo County in northern Kenya is a good example of community based early warning system. The vastness of land in most Maasai communities and poor infrastructure substantiates the use of community radio as an effective tool for effective early warning system in pastoralist communities.

In conclusion, the projected impact of climate change and variability in arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya requires planned adaptation strategies that will enhance the resilience of pastoralist to climate change and variability. Various stakeholders such as the government, communities, non-governmental organizations and the private sector all have important roles to play in enhancing the adaptive capacity of pastoralist to climate change and variability.
