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The New deal for Nature and People Television (ND4NP-TV) is a video and broadcasting programme that aims to showcase the commitment of the New deal for Nature and People Coalition commitment to (1) help restore forests and put deforestation-free commitments into action, (2) helping people adapt, creating strong alliances for climate justice; (4) create sustainable food systems that ensure food security and protect nature, now and in the future; (5) Investing in a sustainable “blue economy, protecting the ocean’s natural treasures by ensuring the world’s most important fisheries and ocean ecosystems are productive and resilient, and improve livelihoods and biodiversity; (6) protect plant and animal species by tackling the root causes of the many serious threats, supporting protected areas, clamping down on the illegal wildlife trade and influencing consumer choice; (7) ensure that freshwater ecosystems and their services sustain people and nature.

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